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Software Packages
Tool for simulating occupancy profiles for private households is a tool for simulating occupancy profiles for private households. The application creates occupancy profiles for bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedrooms. The profiles can be downloaded in csv-format. The underlying model is based on an inhomogeneous Markov chain. It was trained on time-use data of Danish households from 2008/2009. Sebastian Wolf has developed the online-tool ProccS during his PhD. .
Software for combined physical and statistical modelling
Continuous Time Stochastic Modelling (CTSM) is a software package for modelling and simulation of combined physical and statistical models. You find a technical description and the software at
Software for Model Predictive Control
HPMPC is a toolbox for High-Performance implementation of solvers for Model Predictive Control (MPC). It contains routines for fast solution of MPC and MHE (Moving Horizon Estimation) problems on embedded hardware. The software is available on GitHub.
MPCR is a toolbox for building Model Predictive Controllers written in R, the free statistical software. It contains several examples for different MPC problems and interfaces to opensource solvers in R. The software is available on GitHub.
Model for synthesizing data about demand response
DTU Compute and CITIES have developed a model that allows synthesizing data about demand response for a variegate pool of rational electricity consumers (which include commercial, industrial and residential).
The model focuses on the scheduling of electricity consumption for different types of rational electrical consumers, achieving cost minimization for consumers while respecting operational and comfort constraints set by consumers. The model has been developed by assuming that rational consumers are equipped with home energy management systems, which receive dynamic electricity prices.
The model is written in GAMS-Matlab and is available under request (please contact Moreover, additional documentation is currently under development in version 2, to facilitate the user in the model adoption. The documentation will be uploaded to the CITIES website. Online solution for easy monitoring & control of the indoor environment
With the tool CLIMIFY, we enhance the comfort, maximize the occupants’ performance, wellbeing and health, save energy, and actively create flexibility that can be offered to the energy grids.
We aim at maximizing the occupants’ experience in the built environment and at enhancing buildings’ performance.
We monitor the indoor environment by using data from different sources, collecting data directly from the occupants, feedback on the indoor climate and control the indoor climate based on the occupancy levels and the real needs of occupants. Learn more at
Frigg – plug-and-play modelling tool for flexible energy systems
With the transition towards renewable energy comes the need for flexible energy demand. Frigg is a plug-and-play modelling tool for flexible energy systems. With Frigg, demand-side flexibility can be modelled in a way that is interoperable with major energy system modelling frameworks such as TIMES, Balmorel or Calliope.
Frigg uses data from these models, generates hourly prices and simulates the demand side. Passing an altered demand level back to the energy system model allows computing energy system equilibria that take demand-side flexibility into account in a realistic way. Frigg is currently in early-stage development. The development is financed by the projects CITIES, openENTRANCE and Cool-Data. Learn more at
Task force - White papers
White paper from June 2016 about the coupling of energy systems/energy systems integration. This initiative was led by NREL – a main partner of CITIES, with help from DTU Compute and others.
Notat udarbejdet af ’CITIES Task Force Udvalg omkring energiafgifter og rammebetingelser’, bestående af nøglepersoner fra Danfoss, Teknologisk Institut, Grundfos, Ørsted, Grøn Energi, Tomorrow, Aalborg Universitet, og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.
Notat udarbejdet af CITIES Task Force Udvalg omkring energiafgifter og rammebetingelser. Udvalget består af nøglepersoner fra Danfoss, Teknologisk Institut, Grundfos, Ørsted, Grøn Energi, Tomorrow, Aalborg Universitet, og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.
Notat fra nov 2020 om behovet for at gentænke nettariffer for at opnå 70 % reduktion i 2030 – udarbejdet af CITIES Task Force Udvalg omkring energiafgifter og rammebetingelser. Udvalget består af nøglepersoner fra: Danfoss, Teknologisk Institut, Grundfos, Ørsted, Grøn Energi, Tomorrow, Aalborg Universitet, og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.
Demo projects

Energy Supply Modelling in cities: A Case Study of Sønderborg Municipality
The demonstration project has developed a model and evaluated scenarios for Sønderborg’s energy system in 2029 in order to identify ways of increasing the efficiency and integration of the system while minimizing CO2 emissions and socioeconomic costs.

Qualitative invest. of the impact of energy communities on distr. grids
The demo project has made a simple analysis of the impact of energy communities on three different grid layouts: urban, suburban and rural areas of Denmark to estimate consequences of different setups of energy communities on distribution grids.

Smart Meter Data Analytics
The demo case has investigated different approaches to analysis of smart meter data in a way to identify different consumption patterns. The demo case used data from Syd Energi, which had data from about 270.000 smart meters, with 15 minutes to 1-hour resolution and recorded for approximately one year.

Thermal mass for energy storage: Impacts and perspectives on system scale
In this demo case, the CITIES project wants to assess or activate/utilize the thermal energy storage potential of different building archetypes, calculate the potential of thermal mass as a storage component on the system scale and assess the impact of utilizing this storage capacity in the energy system as a whole.

Building Energy Demand Modelling
In this demo case CITIES has developed methodologies for the modelling of energy demand and flexibility potentials for whole districts and cities by classify the buildings in a given area into types and sum up according to the number of each type within the area. CITIES used measured data (from heat, cooling, electricity and gas ) from real buildings in Sønderborg, Denmark, to validate the method.

The demo case has used research from a parallel demo case on load forecasting in greenhouses, and another demo project on dynamic prices for DH systems to develop methods for optimal control of district heating supply temperature to greenhouses. on load forecasting in greenhouses, and another demo project on dynamic prices for DH systems.

Smart Energy Systems: Flexible Cooling of Data Centers
Energy demand for cooling of data centres has been increasing steadily in Denmark and the world. On the other hand, the aim of the energy transition is to make the system more efficient, including end-user energy efficiency. In order to continue the energy transition, as well as to integrate a rising number of data centres across Denmark, this demo project will look into possibilities for flexible and intelligent cooling of data centres.

Smart water management to improve water-energy nexus for water supply systems
In the demo case the CITIES project wants to allow water utilities to holistically manage their processes in a flexible way by operational management recommendations focused on: decrease the non-revenue water, improve the pressure management, detect leakages, save energy and water (water-energy nexus), and above all, improve the integrated water resources management in terms of water resources and revenues supporting financial, social and environmental sustainability, while maintaining quality and level of service.

Optimization under uncertainty heat/power production in DH systems
This demo case has developed an optimisation method for the heat and power production planning in district heating systems to apply it to a real-world demo-case.

In the demo case, CITIES ENFOR and Ørsted have worked with performance monitoring of renewable production assets, considering wind farms as an example.

Qualitative investigation of the impact of energy communities on distr. grids
The demo project has made a simple analysis of the impact of energy communities on three different grid layouts: urban, suburban and rural areas of Denmark to estimate consequences of different setups of energy communities on distribution grids.

Control of heat pumps
The demonstration project has implemented, tested and demonstrated a fluidborne heating system with a heat pump and a solar collector in a domestic building that makes optimal use of renewable energy from the grid.

By collecting data from Greenhouse consumers and weather observations the demo case has derived an offline model structure for load forecasting in greenhouses and established an online setup for load forecasting in greenhouses. In the online setup, the model parameters have been adapted to the actual dynamics.

Dynamic CO2-based control of summerhouse swimming pool heating
In this demo case CITIES has shown that CO2 emissions can be reduced by at least 10 per cent by heating the water in the indoor swimming pools when the electricity is generated by wind turbines and stopping it when the electricity comes from sources with a higher carbon footprint. This will also make itself felt on the electricity bill, which can usually be cut by EUR 1,400-2,000 (DKK 10-15,000).

Regulating Power Market: Modelling and Forecasting
The demo case has formulated stochastic models for the regulating power market in the Nordic area, however with a special focus on the prices in DK1 and DK2. Ultimately the purpose was to obtain better methodologies for predicting the probabilities for up-or down-regulation, and the related prices and/or volume. Such forecasts have also been used in some other demo projects in CITIES.

Dynamic prices for heat delivered to district heating systems
This demo project has studied the dynamic value of heat supplied to the district heating system. Many of the methods used and the obtained results could also be used in a study on the demand side.
Optimal control of BIPVT-E systems
The objective of this demo project is to develop methods for optimal control of heating systems with Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic-Thermal Energy absorbers (BIPVT-E). The BIPVT is a combined solar electric and -thermal module, which is installed directly into the facade or roof surface of the building.

Qualitative investigation of the impact of energy communities on distribution grids
The demo project has made a simple analysis of the impact of energy communities on three different grid layouts: urban, suburban and rural areas of Denmark to estimate consequences of different setups of energy communities on distribution grids.
The CITIES project has published over 300 scientific publications, among these more than 140 journal papers.
See also CITIES publications on DTU Orbit:
WP1 – Energy Services and Demand
Journal articles
- Sara Ben Amer, Jay S. Gregg, Karl Sperling & David Drysdale (2020): Too complicated and impractical? An exploratory study on the role of energy system models in municipal decision-making processes in Denmark, Energy Research & Social Science 70, pp. 101673 [PDF] [DOI]
- Angreine Kewo, Pinrolinvic D. K. Manembu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2020): Synthesising Residential Electricity Load Profiles at the City Level Using a Weighted Proportion (Wepro) Model, Energies 13(14), pp. 3543 [PDF] [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Yanyan Yang, Rongling Li & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2019): A Stochastic Model for Residential User Activity Simulation, Energies 12(17) [PDF] [DOI]
- Sara Ben Amer, Rasmus Bo Bramstoft Pedersen, Olexandr Balyk & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2019): Modelling the future low-carbon energy systems – case study of Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 24, pp. 21-32 [PDF] [DOI]
- Alexander Martin Tureczek, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Henrik Madsen & Adam Brun (2019): Clustering district heat exchange stations using smart meter consumption data, Energy and Buildings 182, pp. 144-158 [DOI]
- Alexander Tureczek, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Henrik Madsen (2018): Electricity consumption clustering using smart meter data, Energies 11(4) [PDF] [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2018): Scalable Prediction-based Online Anomaly Detection for Smart Meter Data, Information Systems 77, pp. 34-47 [DOI]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Xiufeng Liu, Alfred Heller, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Carsten Rode (2018): Clustering-based analysis for residential district heating data, Energy Conversion and Management 165, pp. 840-850 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Viktorija Dobravec, Yu Jiang, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Goran Krajačić (2018): Modelling smart energy systems in tropical regions, Energy 155, pp. 592-609 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Lukasz Golab, Wojciech Golab, Ihab F. Ilyas & Shichao Jin (2017): Smart Meter Data Analytics: Systems, Algorithms and Benchmarking, ACM Transactions on Database Systems 42(1), pp. 1-39 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Alfred Heller & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2017): CITIESData: a smart city data management framework, Knowledge and Information Systems 53, pp. 699-722 [DOI]
- Alexander Martin Tureczek & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2017): Structured Literature Review of Electricity Consumption Classification Using Smart Meter Data, Energies 10(5), pp. 584 [PDF] [DOI]
- Alfred Heller, Xiufeng Liu & Panagiota Gianniou (2017): A Science Cloud for Smart Cities Research, Energy Procedia 122, pp. 679-684 [PDF] [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2016): A hybrid ICT-solution for smart meter data analytics, Energy 115(Part 3), pp. 1710-1722 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Nadeem Iftikhar & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2016): Optimizing ETL by a Two-level Data Staging Method, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 12(3), pp. 32-50 [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Xiufeng Liu, Zhichen Lai, Xin Wang, Lizhen Huang & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2020): A Contextual Anomaly Detection Framework for Energy Smart Meter Data Stream, Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp. 733-742 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Simon Bolwig & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2019): SmartM: A Non-intrusive Load Monitoring Platform, International Conference on Business Information Systems, pp. 424-434 [DOI]
- Pinrolinvic Manembu, Angreine Kewo, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Xiufeng Liu, Brammy Welang & Aditya Lapu (2018): Architecture Design of Smart Meter Controlling System for Dynamic IP Environments, 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS), pp. 175-179 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Rongling Li & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2018): User Activity Simulation for Residential Buildings, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
- Angreine Kewo, Pinrolinvic Manembu, Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2018): Statistical Analysis for Factors Influencing Electricity Consumption at Regional Level, 7th International Conference on Power and Energy (IEEE PE-Con) [DOI]
- Pinrolinvic Manembu, Brammy Welang, Aditya Kalua Lapu, Angreine Kewo, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Xiufeng Liu (2017): A Novel Smart Meter Controlling System with Dynamic IP Addresses, Proceeding of The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1465-1470
- Xiufeng Liu, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Alfred Heller & Panagiota Gianniou (2017): SciCloud: A Scientific Cloud and Management Platform for Smart City Data, 2017 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 27-31 [PDF] [DOI]
- Angreine Kewo, Pinrolinvic Manembu, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Xiufeng Liu (2017): Modelling of electricity consumption in one of the Asia’s most populous cities – Jakarta, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SWEDES)
- Nadeem Iftikhar, Xiufeng Liu, Sergiu Danalachi, Finn Ebertsen Nordbjerg & Jens Henrik Vollesen (2017): A Scalable Smart Meter Data Generator Using Spark, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2017 Conferences, pp. 21-36 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2017): Air Quality Monitoring System and Benchmarking, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 459-470 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Alfred Heller (2017): An ICT-based Anomaly Detection Method for Smart Meter Data, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SWEDES)
- Xiufeng Liu, Nadeem Iftikhar, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Alfred Heller (2016): Online Anomaly Energy Consumption Detection Using Lambda Architecture, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2016), pp. 193-209 [DOI]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Alfred Heller, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Carsten Rode (2016): Identification of Parameters Affecting the Variability of Energy Use in Residential Buildings, Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress (CLIMA 2016) [PDF]
- Nadeem Iftikhar, Xiufeng Liu, Finn Ebertsen Nordbjerg & Sergiu Danalachi (2016): A Prediction-based Smart Meter Data Generator, Proceedings 19th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS), pp. 173-180 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2015): Streamlining Smart Meter Data Analytics, Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems [PDF]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Alfred Heller, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Kristoffer Negendahl & Carsten Rode (2015): Aggregation of building energy demands for city-scale models, Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015 [PDF]
Presentations and poster presentations
- Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2016): Streamlining Meter Data Analytics, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Xiufeng Liu, Alfred Heller & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2016): CITIESData: Towards Cloud Based Big Data Management for Smart Cities, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Alexander Martin Tureczek (2016): Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data, in a Smart Cities Research Perspective, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Xiufeng Liu & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2015): Cloud-Based Software Platform for Smart Meter Data Management, Presentation at 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Per Sieverts Nielsen (2014): Energy demand and services, Presentation at 1st General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
Ph.D. theses
- Alexander Martin Tureczek (2019): Analysis of High Frequency Smart Meter Energy Consumption Data, DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Sara Ben Amer (2019): Now and into the future: Modelling and analysis of Danish urban energy systems, DTU Management, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
WP2 – Energy Supply, Transmission, Storage and Conversion
Journal articles
- Marko Mimica, Dominik F. Dominković, Vedran Kirinčić & Goran Krajačić (2022): Soft-linking of improved spatiotemporal capacity expansion model with a power flow analysis for increased integration of renewable energy sources into interconnected archipelago, Applied Energy 305, pp. 117855 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominković, Rune Grønborg Junker, Karen Byskov Lindberg & Henrik Madsen (2020): Implementing flexibility into energy planning models: Soft-linking of a high-level energy planning model and a short-term operational model, Applied Energy 260 [PDF] [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominković, Goran Stunjek, Ignacio Blanco, Henrik Madsen & Goran Krajačić (2020): Technical, economic and environmental optimization of district heating expansion in an urban agglomeration, Energy 197 [PDF] [DOI]
- Hrvoje Mikulčić, Iva Ridjan Skov, Dominik Franjo Dominković, Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi, Zainuddin Abdul Manan, Raymond Tan, Neven Duić, Siti Nur Hidayah Mohamad & Xuebin Wang (2019): Flexible Carbon Capture and Utilization technologies in future energy systems and the utilization pathways of captured CO2, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, pp. 109338 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Viktorija Dobravec, Yu Jiang, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Goran Krajačić (2018): Modelling smart energy systems in tropical regions, Energy 155, pp. 592-609 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Panagiota Gianniou, Marie Münster, Alfred Heller & Carsten Rode (2018): Utilizing thermal building mass for storage in district heating systems: Combined building level simulations and system level optimization, Energy 153, pp. 949-966 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Mikko Wahlroos, Sanna Syri & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2018): Influence of different technologies on dynamic pricing in district heating systems: Comparative case studies, Energy 153, pp. 136-148 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Greg Stark, Bri-Mathias Hodge & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2018): Integrated Energy Planning with a High Share of Variable Renewable Energy Sources for a Caribbean Island, Energies 11(9) [PDF] [DOI]
- D.F. Dominković, I. Bačeković, D. Sveinbjörnsson, A.S. Pedersen & G. Krajačić (2017): On the way towards smart energy supply in cities: The impact of interconnecting geographically distributed district heating grids on the energy system, Energy 137, pp. 941-960 [DOI]
- Dadi Þorsteinn Sveinbjörnsson, Sara Ben Amer-Allam, Anders Bavnhøj Hansen, Loui Algren & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2017): Energy supply modelling of a low-CO 2 emitting energy system: Case study of a Danish municipality, Applied Energy 195, pp. 922-941 [DOI]
- Tihomir Tomic, Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Antun Pfeifer, Daniel Rolph Schneider, Allan Schrøder Pedersen & Neven Duić (2017): Waste to energy plant operation under the influence of market and legislation conditioned changes, Energy 137, pp. 1119-1129 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, I. Bačeković, Allan Schrøder Pedersen & G. Krajačić (2017): The future of transportation in sustainable energy systems: Opportunities and barriers in a clean energy transition, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82(Part 2), pp. 1823-1838 [DOI]
- D.F. Dominković, K.A. Bin Abdul Rashid, A. Romagnoli, A.S. Pedersen, K.C. Leong, G. Krajačić & N. Duić (2017): Potential of district cooling in hot and humid climates, Applied Energy 208, pp. 49-61 [PDF] [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, I. Bačeković, B. Ćosić, G. Krajačić, T. Pukšec, N. Duić & N. Markovska (2016): Zero carbon energy system of South East Europe in 2050, Applied Energy 184, pp. 1517-1528 [DOI]
- Antun Pfeifer, Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Boris Ćosić & Neven Duić (2016): Economic feasibility of CHP facilities fueled by biomass from unused agriculture land: Case of Croatia, Energy Conversion and Management 125, pp. 222-229 [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Alessia Falcone, Dominik Franjo Dominković & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2016): Improving the performance of district heating systems by utilization of local heat boosters, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- T. Tomić, Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, A. Pfeifer & D.R. Schneider (2016): Wte Power Plant Operation on the Energy Market Under the Influence of Legislation Changes, 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, I. Bačeković, B. Ćosić, G. Krajačić, Tomislav Pukšec, N. Duić & N. Markovska (2015): Low Carbon Energy Supply for South East Europe, 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment System, pp. 660-660
Presentations and poster presentations
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Marko Mimica, Goran Krajacić & Henrik Madsen (2019): Detailed spatio-temporal modelling of renewable energy islands: the case of the island of Krk, Croatia, Presentation at 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) [PDF]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Rune Grønborg Junker, Ignacio Blanco, Karen Byskov Lindberg, Goran Krajačić & Henrik Madsen (2019): Demand response in district heating systems: on operational and capital savings potential, Presentation at 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems [PDF]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic & Goran Krajacic (2018): Which storage types are needed in future smart energy cities?, Proceedings of the 1st Latin American SDEWES conference
- Allan Schrøder Pedersen, Kurt Engelbrecht, Stefano Soprani, Mike Wichmann, Jens F.S. Borchsenius, F. Marongiu, K. Dinesen, T. Ulrich, L. Algren, K. Capion, O. Alm, Ludvig Christensen & S.N. Rasmussen (2018): High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage for electrification and district heating, Proceedings of the 1st Latin American SDEWES conference
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Allan Schrøder Pedersen & Brian Elmegaard (2017): A multi-objective energy planning including system exergy eciency and socio-economic costs, Proceedings of ECOS 2017 – 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems [PDF]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, V. Dobravec, I. Bačeković, G. Krajačić & A. Romagnoli (2017): Integration of district cooling in smart energy systems: the case of Singapore, Proceedings of the12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2017)
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Mikko Wahlroos, Sanna Syri & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2017): Potential for dynamic pricing in district heating systems in Denmark and Finland, Proceedings of the12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2017)
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Alessandro Romagnoli, Tim Fox & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2017): Potential Of Waste Heat And Waste Cold Energy Recovery In Singapore For District Cooling Applications: Impacts On Energy System, Proceedings of the 40th IAEE International Conference – Extended abstracts
- Marijana Larma, Alfred Heller & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2017): Impact of Prosumers and their Clusters on the Energy System, Poster presented at Fourth General CITIES Consortium Meeting [PDF]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Ivan Bačeković, Boris Ćosić, Goran Krajačić, Tomislav Pukšec, Neven Duić & Natasa Markovska (2016): Zero carbon energy system of south east europe in 2050, Poster presented at Poster
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, I. Bačeković, Jón Steinar Garðarsson Mýrdal, Allan Schrøder Pedersen & G. Krajačić (2016): Modelling transition towards sustainable transportation sector, Presentation at 2nd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, I. Bačeković, Dadi Þorsteinn Sveinbjörnsson, Allan Schrøder Pedersen & G. Krajačić (2016): Benefits of Integrating Geographically Distributed District Heating Systems, Presentation at 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems
- Marijana Larma, Alfred Heller & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2016): Impact of Prosumer Buildings and their Clusters on the Energy System – project outline, Presentation at DTU ATV Sustain Conference 2016
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic (2016): Large scale heat pumps as a link between intermittent electrical energy sources and district heating sector, Presentation at 22nd International Trade Fair and Congress for Heating, Cooling and CHP
- Dadi Þorsteinn Sveinbjörnsson (2015): Status and Results of Energy Supply Modelling in CITIES: Illustrated using Data from the Case of Sønderborg, Presentation at 2nd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Dadi Þorsteinn Sveinbjörnsson (2015): Energy Supply Modelling in Cities: Illustrated Using Data from the Case of Sønderborg, Presentation at Nordic Climate KIC – CITIES workshop
- Dadi Þorsteinn Sveinbjörnsson (2015): Energy Supply Modelling in Cities: Illustrated Using Data from the Case of Sønderborg, Presentation at 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Allan Schrøder Pedersen & Dadi Þorsteinn Sveinbjörnsson (2015): Planning of Future Energy Systems Focusing on Exergy Destruction Minimization, Presentation at DTU ATV Sustain Conference 2015
- A. Pfeifer, Dominik Franjo Dominkovic & B. Ćosić (2015): Economic Potential of Biomass from Unused Agriculture Land for Energy Use: Case of Croatia, Presentation at 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- J.S.G. Mýrdal, M. Sensoli, A.S. Pedersen & P.V. Hendriksen (2015): Increasing the efficiency of power to gas to power with reversible solid oxide cells coupled with high temperature heat storage, Presentation at 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Ph.D. theses
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic (2018): Modelling Energy Supply of Future Smart Cities, DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF] [DOI]
WP3 – Intelligent Energy System Integration
Journal articles
- Jaume Palmer Real, Christoffer Rasmussen, Rongling Li, Kenneth Leerbeck, Ole Michael Jensen, Kim B. Wittchen & Henrik Madsen (2021): Characterisation of thermal energy dynamics of residential buildings with scarce data, Energy and Buildings 230, pp. 110530 [PDF] [DOI]
- Juan Sala, Rongling Li & Morten H. Christensen (2020): Clustering and classification of energy meter data: A comparison analysis of data from individual homes and the aggregated data from multiple homes, Building Simulation [PDF] [DOI]
- Christian Finck, Rongling Li & Wim Zeiler (2020): Optimal control of demand flexibility under real-time pricing for heating systems in buildings: A real-life demonstration, Applied Energy 263 [PDF] [DOI]
- Yunbo Yang, Rongling Li & Tao Huang (2020): Smart Meter Data Analysis of a Building Cluster for Heating Load Profile Quantification and Peak Load Shifting, Energies 13(17), pp. 4343 [PDF] [DOI]
- Maomao Hu, Fu Xiao, John Bagterp Jørgensen & Rongling Li (2019): Price-responsive model predictive control of floor heating systems for demand response using building thermal mass, Applied Thermal Engineering [DOI]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Xiufeng Liu, Alfred Heller, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Carsten Rode (2018): Clustering-based analysis for residential district heating data, Energy Conversion and Management 165, pp. 840-850 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Panagiota Gianniou, Marie Münster, Alfred Heller & Carsten Rode (2018): Utilizing thermal building mass for storage in district heating systems: Combined building level simulations and system level optimization, Energy 153, pp. 949-966 [DOI]
- Verena M. Barthelmes, Rongling Li, Rune K. Andersen, William Bahnfleth, Stefano P. Corgnati & Carsten Rode (2018): Profiling Occupant Behaviour in Danish Dwellings using Time Use Survey Data, Energy and Buildings 177, pp. 329-340 [DOI]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Christoph Reinhart, David Hsu, Alfred Heller & Carsten Rode (2018): Estimation of temperature setpoints and heat transfer coefficients among residential buildings in Denmark based on smart meter data, Building and Environment 139, pp. 125-133 [DOI]
- Rongling Li & Shi You (2018): Exploring Potential of Energy Flexibility in Buildings for Energy System Services, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 4(4), pp. 434-443 [PDF] [DOI]
- Andong Wang, Rongling Li & Shi You (2018): Development of a data driven approach to explore the energy flexibility potential of building clusters, Applied Energy 232, pp. 89-100 [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Alfred Heller & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2017): CITIESData: a smart city data management framework, Knowledge and Information Systems 53, pp. 699-722 [DOI]
- Alfred Heller, Xiufeng Liu & Panagiota Gianniou (2017): A Science Cloud for Smart Cities Research, Energy Procedia 122, pp. 679-684 [PDF] [DOI]
- J. Le Dréau & P. Heiselberg (2016): Energy flexibility of residential buildings using short term heat storage in the thermal mass, Energy 111, pp. 991-1002 [DOI]
- Alfred Heller (2015): The Sensing Internet: A Discussion on Its Impact on Rural Areas, Future Internet 7, pp. 363-371 [PDF] [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Sebastian Wolf, Davide Cali, Maria Justo Alonso, Rongling Li, Rune Korsholm Andersen, John Krogstie & Henrik Madsen (2019): Room-level Occupancy Simulation Model for Private Households, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online) [PDF]
- Rongling Li, Yunran Chen & Carsten Rode (2018): Heat Flexibility as A Function of The Outdoor Climate: A Study of Danish Dwellings, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Building Energy & Environment 2018 [PDF]
- Xiufeng Liu, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Alfred Heller & Panagiota Gianniou (2017): SciCloud: A Scientific Cloud and Management Platform for Smart City Data, 2017 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 27-31 [PDF] [DOI]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Kyriaki Foteinaki, Alfred Heller & Carsten Rode (2017): Intelligent Scheduling of a Grid-Connected Heat Pump in a Danish Detached House, Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference [PDF] [DOI]
- Lucile Sarran, Kyriaki Foteinaki, Panagiota Gianniou & Carsten Rode (2017): Impact of Building Design Parameters on Thermal Energy Flexibility in a Low-Energy Building, Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference [PDF] [DOI]
- Emanuele Zilio, Kyriaki Foteinaki, Panagiota Gianniou & Carsten Rode (2017): Impact of Weather and Occupancy on Energy Flexibility Potential of a Low-energy Building, Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference [PDF] [DOI]
- Rongling Li, Feng Wei, Yang Zhao & Wim Zeiler (2017): Implementing Occupant Behaviour in the Simulation of Building Energy Performance and Energy Flexibility: Development of Co-Simulation Framework and Case Study, Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference, pp. 1339-1346 [PDF] [DOI]
- Xiufeng Liu, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Alfred Heller (2017): An ICT-based Anomaly Detection Method for Smart Meter Data, Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SWEDES)
- Xiufeng Liu, Nadeem Iftikhar, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Alfred Heller (2016): Online Anomaly Energy Consumption Detection Using Lambda Architecture, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2016), pp. 193-209 [DOI]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Alfred Heller, Per Sieverts Nielsen & Carsten Rode (2016): Identification of Parameters Affecting the Variability of Energy Use in Residential Buildings, Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress (CLIMA 2016) [PDF]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Alfred Heller, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Kristoffer Negendahl & Carsten Rode (2015): Aggregation of building energy demands for city-scale models, Proceedings of Building Simulation 2015 [PDF]
- Panagiota Gianniou, Alfred Heller & Carsten Rode (2015): Building energy demand aggregation and simulation tools: a Danish case study, Proceedings of CISBAT 2015, pp. 797-802 [PDF]
- Alfred Heller, Annemie Wyckmans, Gerhard Zucker, Steffen Petersen & Catrin Haider (2015): Buildings Interaction with Urban Energy Systems: A Research Agenda, Proceedings of 7PHN Sustainable Cities and Buildings
- Alfred Heller, Panagiota Gianniou, Emmanouil Katsigiannis, Andreas Mortensen & Kyung Hun Woo (2014): Change in design targets for building energy towards smart cities, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering, pp. 11-15 [PDF]
Presentations and poster presentations
- Marijana Larma, Rongling Li & Carsten Rode (2018): Prosumer Cluster of Single-Family Houses under the Danish Net Metering Policy, Presentation at 7th International Building Physics Conference
- Marijana Larma, Alfred Heller & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2017): Impact of Prosumers and their Clusters on the Energy System, Poster presented at Fourth General CITIES Consortium Meeting [PDF]
- Xiufeng Liu, Alfred Heller & Per Sieverts Nielsen (2016): CITIESData: Towards Cloud Based Big Data Management for Smart Cities, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Marijana Larma, Alfred Heller & Allan Schrøder Pedersen (2016): Impact of Prosumer Buildings and their Clusters on the Energy System – project outline, Presentation at DTU ATV Sustain Conference 2016
- Alfred Heller (2014): Idea Catalogue by Vidensby Lyngby to Workshop Water DTU, Presentation at Workshop Water DTU
- Alfred Heller & Per Alex Sørensen (2014): Central Solar (District) Heating Plants, Poster presented at 1st General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Ivan Tengbjerg Hermann, Niamh O´Connell, Alfred Heller & Henrik Madsen (2014): CITIES: Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in Cities, Presentation at European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research 2014 (EMCSR 2014)
Book chapters
- Alfred Heller (2015): Building automation – providing data for business opportunities: Building technologies impact the bigger picture in Smart Buildings: Combining energy efficiency, flexibility and comfort, pp. 6-7 [PDF]
Scientific reports
- Mark Dannemand, Simon Furbo, Claus Amtrup Andersen, Alfred Heller & Henrik Madsen (2017): Heating of indoor swimming pools by solar thermal collectors in summerhouses in Denmark, DTU Byg Sagsrapport; No. R-366, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering [PDF]
- Alfred Heller, Mette Uhd, Pelle Fischer-Nielsen, Jesper Klitgaard Frederiksen, Helle Juhler-Verdoner, Eva Egesborg Hansen, Birgitte Torntoft, Trine Kiar, Hanne Kronborg, Flemming Løkke Petersen, Jens Andreasen, Niels Jakubiak Andersen, Susanne Kuehn, Kurt Emil Eriksen, Peter Andreas Sattrup, Signe Kongebro & Jens Nørgaard (2016): Smart Buildings: Combining energy efficiency, flexibility and comfort (title translated from Chinese), State of Green [PDF]
- Alfred Heller, Mette Uhd, Pelle Fischer-Nielsen, Jesper Klitgaard Frederiksen, Helle Juhler-Verdoner, Eva Egesborg Hansen, Birgitte Torntoft, Trine Kiar, Hanne Kronborg, Flemming Løkke Petersen, Jens Andreasen, Niels Jakubiak Andersen, Susanne Kuehn, Kurt Emil Eriksen, Peter Andreas Sattrup, Signe Kongebro & Jens Nørgaard (2015): Smart Buildings: Combining energy efficiency, flexibility and comfort, State of Green [PDF]
- Alfred Heller (2014): Building for the future smart energy cities, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering
Ph.D. theses
- Panagiota Gianniou (2018): Energy demand models for buildings in a smart cities context, DTU Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
WP4 – Intelligent Aggregation and Markets
Journal articles
- Benedikt Sommer, Pierre Pinson, Jakob W. Messner & David Obst (2021): Online distributed learning in wind power forecasting, International Journal of Forecasting 37(1), pp. 205-223 [DOI]
- Christos Ordoudis, Viet Anh Nguyen, Daniel Kuhn & Pierre Pinson (2021): Energy and reserve dispatch with distributionally robust joint chance constraints, Operations Research Letters 49(3), pp. 291-299 [DOI]
- Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindström, Pierre Pinson & Henrik Madsen (2020): Temporal hierarchies with autocorrelation for load forecasting, European Journal of Operational Research 280, pp. 876-888 [DOI]
- Lesia Mitridati, Jalal Kazempour & Pierre Pinson (2020): Heat and electricity market coordination: A scalable complementarity approach, European Journal of Operational Research 283(3), pp. 1107-1123
- Christos Ordoudis, Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Jalal Kazempour & Pierre Pinson (2020): Market-based Coordination of Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Systems Under Uncertain Supply, European Journal of Operational Research 287(3), pp. 1105-1119
- Louise Krog (2019): How municipalities act under the new paradigm for energy planning, Sustainable Cities and Society 47
- Louise Krog & Karl Sperling (2019): A comprehensive framework for strategic energy planning based on Danish and international insights, Energy Strategy Reviews 24, pp. 83-93 [PDF]
- Etienne Guillemin Sorin, Lucien Ali Bobo & Pierre Pinson (2019): Consensus-based Approach to Peer-to-Peer Electricity Markets with Product Differentiation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34(2), pp. 994 – 1004 [PDF] [DOI]
- Li Bai & Pierre Pinson (2019): Distributed Reconciliation in Day-Ahead Wind Power Forecasting, Energies 12(6) [PDF] [DOI]
- Christos Ordoudis, Pierre Pinson & Juan M. Morales (2019): An Integrated Market for Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with Stochastic Power Producers, European Journal of Operational Research 272, pp. 642–654 [PDF] [DOI]
- Jakob W Messner & Pierre Pinson (2019): Online adaptive lasso estimation in vector autoregressive models for high dimensional wind power forecasting, International Journal of Forecasting 35(4), pp. 1485-1498
- T. Richert, T.V. Jensen, O. Gehrke & H.W Bindner (2019): Operation of supermarket refrigeration units: A coupled district heating and electric network approach, IET Energy Systems Integration 2(22), pp. 80-91 [PDF]
- Thomas Baroche, Pierre Pinson, Roman Le Goff Latimier & Hamid Ben Ahmed (2019): Exogenous Cost Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Electricity Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34(4), pp. 2553-2564 [PDF] [DOI]
- Yongning Zhao, Lin Ye, Pierre Pinson, Yong Tang & Peng Lu (2018): Correlation-Constrained and Sparsity-Controlled Vector Autoregressive Model for Spatio-Temporal Wind Power Forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33(5), pp. 3531-3545 [DOI]
- Nicolo Mazzi, Jalal Kazempour & Pierre Pinson (2018): Price-Taker Offering Strategy in Electricity Pay-as-Bid Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33(2), pp. 2175-2183 [PDF] [DOI]
- Louise Krog, Karl Sperling & Henrik Lund (2018): Barriers and Recommendations to Innovative Ownership Models for Wind Power, Energies 11(10) [PDF] [DOI]
- Pierre Pinson, Lesia Marie-Jeanne Mariane Mitridati, Christos Ordoudis & Jacob Østergaard (2017): Towards fully renewable energy systems – Experience and trends in Denmark, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 32(3), pp. 26-35 [PDF] [DOI]
- L. Mitridati & P. Pinson (2017): A Bayesian Inference Approach to Unveil Supply Curves in Electricity Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [PDF] [DOI]
- Pierre Pinson, Thomas Baroche, Fabio Moret, Tiago Sousa, Etienne Guillemin Sorin & Shi You (2017): 以用户为中心的新兴电力市场模式 (in Chinese, translated title: The emergence of consumer-centric electricity markets, Distribution & Utilization 34(12), pp. 27-31 [DOI]
- F. Bona, N. Gast, J. Y. Le Boudec, P. Pinson & D. C. Tomozei (2017): Attribution Mechanisms for Ancillary Service Costs Induced by Variability in Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32(3), pp. 1891-1901 [PDF] [DOI]
- Guannan He, Qixin Chen, Chongqing Kang, Pierre Pinson & Qing Xia (2016): Optimal bidding strategy of battery storage in power markets considering performance based regulation and battery cycle life, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7(5), pp. 2359-2367 [PDF] [DOI]
- Huajie Ding, Pierre Pinson, Zechun Hu & Yonghua Song (2016): Optimal offering and operating strategies for wind-storage systems with linear decision rules, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(6), pp. 4755-4764 [PDF] [DOI]
- Faranak Golestaneh, Pierre Pinson & Hoay Beng Gooi (2016): Very Short-term Nonparametric Probabilistic Forecasting of Renewable Energy Generation – with Application to Solar Energy, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(5), pp. 3850-3863 [PDF] [DOI]
- Lazaros Exizidis, Pierre Pinson, Jalal Kazempour, Zacharie de Greve & Francois Vallée (2016): Sharing wind power forecasts in electricity markets: A numerical analysis, Applied Energy 176, pp. 65-73 [DOI]
- Faranak Golestaneh, Hoay Beng Gooi & Pierre Pinson (2016): Generation and evaluation of space-Time trajectories of photovoltaic power, Applied Energy 176, pp. 80-91 [PDF] [DOI]
- Man Xu, Pierre Pinson, Zongxiang Lu, Ying Qiao & Yong Min (2016): Adaptive robust polynomial regression for power curve modeling with application to wind power forecasting, Wind Energy 19(12), pp. 2321-2336 [DOI]
- Huajie Ding, Pierre Pinson, Zechun Hu & Yonghua Song (2016): Integrated Bidding and Operating Strategies for Wind-Storage Systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7(1), pp. 163-172 [DOI]
- Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Juan Miguel Morales González & Pierre Pinson (2016): Impact of Inter- and Intra-Regional Coordination in Markets With a Large Renewable Component, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(6), pp. 5061-5070 [PDF] [DOI]
- Pierre Pinson & Mark O´Malley (2015): Foreword for the special section on wind and solar energy: uncovering and accommodating their impacts on electricity markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30(3), pp. 1557-1559 [PDF] [DOI]
- Niamh O´Connell, Pierre Pinson, Henrik Madsen & Mark O’Malley (2015): Economic Dispatch of Demand Response Balancing through Asymmetric Block Offers, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(4), pp. 2999-3007 [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Christos Ordoudis, Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Pierre Pinson & Jalal Kazempour (2017): Exploiting Flexibility in Coupled Electricity and Natural Gas Markets: A Price-Based Approach, Proceedings of IEEE PES PowerTech Conference 2017 [PDF] [DOI]
- Thibaut Richert & Oliver Gehrke (2017): Use cases for integrated electrical and thermal energy systems operation and control with a view on simulation tools, 2017 52nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), pp. 1-6 [DOI]
- Christos Ordoudis & Pierre Pinson (2016): Impact of Renewable Energy Forecast Imperfections on Market-Clearing Outcomes, Proceedings of IEEE International Energy Conference 2016, pp. 1-6 [PDF] [DOI]
- Christos Ordoudis, Pierre Pinson, Marco Zugno & Juan Miguel Morales González (2015): Stochastic Unit Commitment via Progressive Hedging – Extensive Analysis of Solution Methods, Proceedings of the IEEE PowerTech Conference 2015, pp. 1-6 [DOI]
- Huajie Ding, Zechun Hu, Yonghua Song & Pierre Pinson (2015): Improving offering strategies for wind farms enhanced with storage capability, Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, pp. 1-6 [PDF] [DOI]
- Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Athanasios Papakonstantinou, Christos Ordoudis & Pierre Pinson (2015): Price-Maker Wind Power Producer Participating in a Joint Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market, Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference European Energy Market 2015, pp. 1-5 [PDF] [DOI]
- Niamh O´Connell, Henrik Madsen, Pierre Pinson, Mark O’Malley & Torben Green (2014): Regulating Power from Supermarket Refrigeration, Proceedings of the IEEE ISGT Europe 2014, pp. 1-6 [DOI]
Presentations and poster presentations
- Christos Ordoudis, Pierre Pinson & Juan Miguel Morales González (2016): Stochastic Integrated Market for Electric Power and Natural Gas Systems, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Louise Krog Jensen (2016): Using Strategic Energy Planning to develop and implement a 100 % Renewable Smart Energy System, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
Book chapters
- Pierre Pinson, Fabio Moret, Thomas Baroche & Athanasios Papakonstantinou (2020): Negotiation Approaches for Sharing Systems in Analytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives, pp. 151-171 [DOI]
- Henrik Madsen, Jacopo Parvizi, Anna Maria Sempreviva, Henrik W. Bindner, Chris Dent & Reinhard Mackensen (2015): Integrated energy systems; aggregation, forecasting, and control in Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen & Leif Sønderberg Petersen: DTU International Energy Report 2015, pp. 34-40 [PDF]
- Julija Tastu, Pierre Pinson & Henrik Madsen (2015): Space-time trajectories of wind power generation: Parameterized precision matrices under a Gaussian copula approach in Anestis Antoniadis, Jean-Michel Poggi & Xavier Brossat: Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimensions, pp. 267-296 [PDF] [DOI]
- Henrik Madsen, Juan Miguel Morales, Pierre-Julien Trombe, Gregor Giebel, Hans Ejsing Jørgensen & Pierre Pinson (2014): Wind resource assessment and wind power forecasting in Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen & Leif Sønderberg Petersen: DTU International Energy Report 2014: Wind energy — drivers and barriers for higher shares of wind in the global power generation mix, pp. 72-78 [PDF]
Scientific reports
- Niamh O´Connell, Henrik Madsen, Philip Hvidthøft Delff Andersen, Pierre Pinson & Mark O’Malley (2014): Model Identification for Control of Display Units in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems, DTU Compute Technical Report 2014-02, Technical University of Denmark [PDF]
Ph.D. theses
- Thibaut Richert (2020): Classification and aggregation of energy components, DTU Electro, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Christos Ordoudis (2018): Market-based Approaches for the Coordinated Operation of Electricity and Natural gas Systems, DTU Electro, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Niamh O´Connell (2016): Approaches for Accommodating Demand Response in Operational Problems and Assessing its Value, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
WP5 – Forecasting and Control
Journal articles
- Marko Mimica, Dominik F. Dominković, Vedran Kirinčić & Goran Krajačić (2022): Soft-linking of improved spatiotemporal capacity expansion model with a power flow analysis for increased integration of renewable energy sources into interconnected archipelago, Applied Energy 305, pp. 117855 [DOI]
- Amos Schledorn, Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen & Henrik Madsen (2021): Optimising Block Bids of District Heating Operators to the Day-Ahead Electricity Market using Stochastic Programming, Smart Energy 1 [PDF] [DOI]
- Jaume Palmer Real, Christoffer Rasmussen, Rongling Li, Kenneth Leerbeck, Ole Michael Jensen, Kim B. Wittchen & Henrik Madsen (2021): Characterisation of thermal energy dynamics of residential buildings with scarce data, Energy and Buildings 230, pp. 110530 [PDF] [DOI]
- Mathias Blicher Bjerregård, Jan Kloppenborg Møller & Henrik Madsen (2021): An introduction to multivariate probabilistic forecast evaluation, Energy and AI 4, pp. 100058 [PDF] [DOI]
- Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindström, Jan K. Møller & Henrik Madsen (2021): Dimensionality reduction in forecasting with temporal hierarchies, International Journal of Forecasting [PDF] [DOI]
- Peter Nystrup, Henrik Madsen, Emma Margareta Viktoria Blomgren & Giulia De Zotti (2021): Clustering Commercial and Industrial Load Patterns for Long-Term Energy Planning, Smart Energy accepted for publication
- Hjörleifur G. Bergsteinsson, Jan Kloppenborg Møller, Peter Nystrup, Ólafur Petur Pálsson, Daniela Guericke & Henrik Madsen (2021): Heat load forecasting using adaptive temporal hierarchies, Applied Energy 292, pp. 116872 [PDF] [DOI]
- Marko Mimica, Dominik Franjo Dominković, Tomislav Capuder & Goran Krajačić (2021): On the value and potential of demand response in the smart island archipelago, Renewable Energy 176, pp. 153-168 [DOI]
- Tilman Weckesser, Dominik Franjo Dominković, Emma M.V. Blomgren, Amos Schledorn & Henrik Madsen (2021): Renewable Energy Communities: Optimal sizing and distribution grid impact of photo-voltaics and battery storage, Applied Energy 301, pp. 117408 [PDF] [DOI]
- Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindström, Pierre Pinson & Henrik Madsen (2020): Temporal hierarchies with autocorrelation for load forecasting, European Journal of Operational Research 280, pp. 876-888 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominković, Rune Grønborg Junker, Karen Byskov Lindberg & Henrik Madsen (2020): Implementing flexibility into energy planning models: Soft-linking of a high-level energy planning model and a short-term operational model, Applied Energy 260 [PDF] [DOI]
- Giulia De Zotti, Seyyed Ali Pourmousavi Kani, Juan M. Morales, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2020): A Control-based Method to Meet TSO and DSO Ancillary Services Needs by Flexible End-Users, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35(3), pp. 1868 – 1880 [PDF] [DOI]
- Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindström & Henrik Madsen (2020): Learning hidden Markov models with persistent states by penalizing jumps, Expert Systems with Applications 150 [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominković, Goran Stunjek, Ignacio Blanco, Henrik Madsen & Goran Krajačić (2020): Technical, economic and environmental optimization of district heating expansion in an urban agglomeration, Energy 197 [PDF] [DOI]
- Frederik Banis, Henrik Madsen, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen & Daniela Guericke (2020): Prosumer Response Estimation Using SINDyc in Conjunction with Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Sampling, Energies 13(12) [PDF] [DOI]
- Niclas Brabrand Brok, Thomas Munk-Nielsen, Henrik Madsen & Peter A. Stentoft (2020): Unlocking energy flexibility of municipal wastewater aeration using predictive control to exploit price differences in power markets, Applied Energy 280, pp. 115965 [DOI]
- P. A. Stentoft, L. Vezzaro, P. S. Mikkelsen, M. Grum, T. Munk-Nielsen, P. Tychsen, H. Madsen & R. Halvgaard (2020): Integrated model predictive control of water resource recovery facilities and sewer systems in a smart grid: example of full-scale implementation in Kolding, Water Science and Technology 81(8), pp. 1766-1777 [PDF] [DOI]
- Kenneth Leerbeck, Peder Bacher, Rune Grønborg Junker, Anna Tveit, Olivier Corradi, Henrik Madsen & Razgar Ebrahimy (2020): Control of Heat Pumps with CO2 Emission Intensity Forecasts, Energies 13(11), pp. 2851 [PDF] [DOI]
- Kenneth Leerbeck, Peder Bacher, Rune Gr{\o}nborg Junker, Goran Goranovi{\'{c}}, Olivier Corradi, Razgar Ebrahimy, Anna Tveit & Henrik Madsen (2020): Short-term forecasting of CO2 emission intensity in power grids by machine learning, Applied Energy 277, pp. 115527 [DOI]
- Christoffer Rasmussen, Linde Frölke, Peder Bacher, Henrik Madsen & Carsten Rode (2020): Semi-parametric modelling of sun position dependent solar gain using B-splines in grey-box models, Solar Energy 195, pp. 249-258 [PDF] [DOI]
- Christoffer Rasmussen, Peder Bacher, Davide Calì, Henrik Aalborg Nielsen & Henrik Madsen (2020): Method for Scalable and Automatised Thermal Building Performance Documentation and Screening, Energies 13(15), pp. 3866 [PDF] [DOI]
- Rune Grønborg Junker, Carsten Skovmose Kallesøe, Jaume Palmer Real, Bianca Howard, Rui Amaral Lopes & Henrik Madsen (2020): Stochastic nonlinear modelling and application of price-based energy flexibility, Applied Energy 275, pp. 115096 [PDF] [DOI]
- Maomao Hu, Fu Xiao, John Bagterp Jørgensen & Rongling Li (2019): Price-responsive model predictive control of floor heating systems for demand response using building thermal mass, Applied Thermal Engineering [DOI]
- Rune Grønborg Junker, Rishi Relan & Henrik Madsen (2019): Designing Individual Penalty Signals for Improved Energy Flexibility Utilisation, IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(4), pp. 123-128 [PDF] [DOI]
- Ignacio Blanco, Anders N. Andersen, Daniela Guericke & Henrik Madsen (2019): A novel bidding method for combined heat and power units in district heating systems, Energy Systems [PDF] [DOI]
- Sebastian Wolf, Davide Calı̀, John Krogstie & Henrik Madsen (2019): Carbon dioxide-based occupancy estimation using stochastic differential equations, Applied Energy 236, pp. 32-41 [DOI]
- Dominik Dominković & Goran Krajačić (2019): District Cooling Versus Individual Cooling in Urban Energy Systems: The Impact of District Energy Share in Cities on the Optimal Storage Sizing, Energies 12(3) [PDF] [DOI]
- K. B. Lindberg, P. Seljom, H. Madsen, D. Fischer & M. Korpås (2019): Long-term electricity load forecasting: Current and future trends, Utilities Policy 58, pp. 102-119 [DOI]
- Maomao Hu, Fu Xiao, John Bagterp Jørgensen & Shengwei Wang (2019): Frequency control of air conditioners in response to real-time dynamic electricity prices in smart grids, Applied Energy 242, pp. 92-106 [DOI]
- Erick López, Héctor Allende, Esteban Gil & Henrik Madsen (2018): Wind Power Forecasting Based on Echo State Networks and Long Short-Term Memory, Energies 11(3) [PDF] [DOI]
- Nikita Zemtsov, Jaroslav Hlava, Galina Frantsuzova, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2018): Economic nonlinear MPC for a population of thermostatically controlled loads, Computer Science – Research and Development 33(1), pp. 157-167 [DOI]
- Giulia De Zotti, S. Ali Pourmousavi, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2018): Ancillary Services 4.0: A Top-to-Bottom Control-Based Approach for Solving Ancillary Services Problems in Smart Grids, IEEE Access 6, pp. 11694-11706 [PDF] [DOI]
- Fernanda Alvarez-Mendoza, Cesar Angeles-Camacho, Peder Bacher & Henrik Madsen (2018): Semi-dispatchable generation with wind-photovoltaic-fuel cell hybrid system to mitigate frequency disturbance, Electric Power Systems Research 165, pp. 60-67 [DOI]
- Rune Grønborg Junker, Armin Ghasem Azar, Rui Amaral Lopes, Karen Byskov Lindberg, Glenn Reynders, Rishi Relan & Henrik Madsen (2018): Characterizing the energy flexibility of buildings and districts, Applied Energy 225, pp. 175-82 [PDF] [DOI]
- Giulia De Zotti, Seyyed Ali Pourmousavi Kani, Juan Miguel Morales, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2018): Consumers’ Flexibility Estimation at the TSO Level for Balancing Services, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [PDF] [DOI]
- Niclas Laursen Brok, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2018): Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Stochastic Differential Equation Systems, IFAC-PapersOnLine 51(20), pp. 430-435 [DOI]
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen & Henrik Madsen (2018): Operational Planning and Bidding for District Heating Systems with Uncertain Renewable Energy Production, Energies 11(12) [PDF] [DOI]
- Jan Emil B. Iversen, Juan M. Morales, Jan K. Møller, Pierre-Julien Trombe & Henrik Madsen (2017): Leveraging stochastic differential equations for probabilistic forecasting of wind power using a dynamic power curve, Wind Energy 20(1), pp. 33-44 [DOI]
- J. Kiviluoma, S. Heinen, H. Qazi, H. Madsen, G. Strbac, C. Kang, N. Zhang, D. Patteeuw & T. Naegler (2017): Harnessing Flexibility from Hot and Cold: Heat Storage and Hybrid Systems Can Play a Major Role, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 15(1), pp. 25-33 [DOI]
- Fernanda Alvarez-Mendoza, Peder Bacher, Henrik Madsen & César Angeles-Camacho (2017): Stochastic model of wind-fuel cell for a semi-dispatchable power generation, Applied Energy 193, pp. 139-148 [DOI]
- Henrik Madsen (2017): Working towards a fossil-free future, Impact 5(3), pp. 17-19 [PDF] [DOI]
- P.J.C. Vogler–Finck, P. Bacher & H. Madsen (2017): Online short-term forecast of greenhouse heat load using a weather forecast service, Applied Energy 205, pp. 1298-1310 [DOI]
- Tobias K.S. Ritschel, Jozsef Gaspar & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2017): A Thermodynamic Library for Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Processes, IFAC-PapersOnLine 50(1), pp. 3542-3547 [PDF] [DOI]
- Tobias K.S. Ritschel, Andrea Capolei, Jozsef Gaspar & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2017): An algorithm for gradient-based dynamic optimization of UV flash processes, Computers & Chemical Engineering [DOI]
- Lisa Buth Rasmussen, Peder Bacher, Henrik Madsen, Henrik Aalborg Nielsen, Christian Heerup & Torben Green (2016): Load forecasting of supermarket refrigeration, Applied Energy 163(Februar 2016), pp. 32-40 [DOI]
- Jan Emil Banning Iversen, Juan Miguel Morales González, Jan Kloppenborg Møller & Henrik Madsen (2016): Short-term Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind Speed Using Stochastic Differential Equations, International Journal of Forecasting 32(3), pp. 981-990 [DOI]
- Maria Grønnegaard Nielsen, Juan Miguel Morales González, Marco Zugno, Thomas Engberg Pedersen & Henrik Madsen (2016): Economic valuation of heat pumps and electric boilers in the Danish energy system, Applied Energy 167, pp. 189-200 [DOI]
- Rasmus Fogtmann Halvgaard, Lieven Vandenberghe, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2016): Distributed Model Predictive Control for Smart Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7(3), pp. 1675-1682 [DOI]
- Peder Bacher, Philip Anton de Saint-Aubain, Lasse Engbo Christiansen & Henrik Madsen (2016): Non-parametric method for separating domestic hot water heating spikes and space heating, Energy and Buildings 130, pp. 107-112 [DOI]
- Jon Anders Reichert Liisberg, Jan Kloppenborg Møller, H. Bloem, J. Cipriano, G. Mor & Henrik Madsen (2016): Hidden Markov Models for indirect classification of occupant behaviour, Sustainable Cities and Society 27, pp. 83-98 [DOI]
- Javier Saez Gallego, Juan Miguel Morales González, Marco Zugno & Henrik Madsen (2016): A Data-Driven Bidding Model for a Cluster of Price-Responsive Consumers of Electricity, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(6), pp. 5001-5011 [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Peter Juhler Dinesen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2016): A Hierarchical Algorithm for Integrated Scheduling and Control With Applications to Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25(2), pp. 590-599 [DOI]
- Niamh O´Connell, Pierre Pinson, Henrik Madsen & Mark O’Malley (2015): Economic Dispatch of Demand Response Balancing through Asymmetric Block Offers, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(4), pp. 2999-3007 [DOI]
- Erik Lindström, Henrik Madsen & Vicke Norén (2015): Consumption management in the Nord Pool region: A stability analysis, Applied Energy 146, pp. 239-246 [DOI]
- Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao, Henrik Madsen & Dan Wang (2015): Temporal knowledge discovery in big BAS data for building energy management, Energy and Buildings 109(December), pp. 75-89 [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Gianluca Frison, Anders Skajaa, Rasmus Fogtmann Halvgaard & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2015): A Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior-Point Linear Programming Algorithm for Economic Model Predictive Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61(8), pp. 2226-2231 [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Peter Vinter, Runi Bærentsen, Kristian Edlund & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2015): Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitmentin Meshed Isolated Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(5), pp. 3516-3526 [DOI]
- Marco Zugno, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2015): Decision Support Tools for Electricity Retailers, Wind Power and CHP Plants Using Probabilistic Forecasts, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 7, pp. 19-36 [PDF] [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Laura Standardi, Kristian Edlund, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): A Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm for linear economic model predictive control of dynamically decoupled subsystems, Journal of Process Control 24(8), pp. 1225-1236 [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Christian Ankerstjerne Thilker, Hjörleifur G Bergsteinsson, Peder Bacher, Henrik Madsen, Davide Cali & Rune Grønborg Junker (2021): Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Smart Heating of Buildings, Proceedings of Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 [PDF]
- Giulia De Zotti, Hanne Binder, Anders Bavnhøj Hansen, Henrik Madsen & Rishi Relan (2020): Data-driven Nonlinear Prediction Model for Price Signals in Demand Response Programs, Proceedings of Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems 2020 [PDF]
- Sebastian Wolf, Davide Cali, Maria Justo Alonso, Rongling Li, Rune Korsholm Andersen, John Krogstie & Henrik Madsen (2019): Room-level Occupancy Simulation Model for Private Households, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online) [PDF]
- Giulia De Zotti, Daniela Guericke, Seyyed Ali Pourmousavi Kani, Juan Miguel Morales, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2019): Analysis of rebound effect modelling for flexible electrical consumers, I F A C Workshop Series, pp. 6-11 [PDF] [DOI]
- Niclas Brabrand Brok, Peter Alexander Stentoft, Thomas Munk-Nielsen & Henrik Madsen (2019): Flexible Control of Wastewater Aeration for Cost-Efficient, Sustainable Treatment, IFAC Workshop on Control of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems [PDF]
- Sebastian Wolf, Maria Justo Alonso, Davide Cali, John Krogstie, Hans Martin Mathisen & Henrik Madsen (2019): CO2-based grey-box model to estimate airflow rate and room occupancy, Proceedings of 13th REHVA World Congress [PDF] [DOI]
- Peter Alexander Stentoft, Daniela Guericke, Thomas Munk-Nielsen, Peter Steen Mikkelsen, Henrik Madsen, Luca Vezzaro & Jan Kloppenborg Møller (2019): Model Predictive Control of Stochastic Wastewater Treatment Process for Smart Power, Cost-Effective Aeration, Proceedings of Dycops 2019 [PDF]
- Hjørdis Amanda Schlüter, Dimitri Boiroux, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2019): Economic Model Predictive Control for Energy Systems in Smart Homes, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, pp. 598-604 [DOI]
- Giulia De Zotti, S. Ali Pourmousavi, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2018): Utilizing flexibility resources in the future power system operation: Alternative approaches, Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference [DOI]
- Nikita Zemtsov, Jaroslav Hlava, Galina Frantsuzova, Henrik Madsen, Rune Grønborg Junker & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2017): Economic MPC based on an LPV model for thermostatically controlled loads, Proceedings of the International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2017) [DOI]
- Peter Alexander Stentoft, Thomas Munk-Nielsen, Peter Steen Mikkelsen & Henrik Madsen (2017): A Stochastic Method to Manage Delay and Missing Values for In-Situ Sensors in an Alternating Activated Sludge Process, Proceedings of the 12th IWA Specialized Conference on Instrumentation, Control & Automation
- Jozsef Gaspar, Tobias K.S. Ritschel & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2017): An efficient and rigorous thermodynamic library and optimal-control of a cryogenic air separation unit, 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, pp. 1543-1548 [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Kristian Edlund & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2016): Application of Economic MPC to Frequency Control in a Single-Area, Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015), pp. 2635-2642 [PDF] [DOI]
- Harald Waschl, John Bagterp Jørgensen, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom & Luigi del Re (2015): A novel tuning approach for offset-free MPC, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2015), pp. 545-550 [DOI]
- Gianluca Frison & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2015): MPC Related Computational Capabilities of ARMv7A Processors, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2015), pp. 3414-3421 [DOI]
- Martin Haubjerg Rosgaard, Andrea N. Hahmann, Torben Skov Nielsen, Gregor Giebel, Poul Ejnar Sørensen & Henrik Madsen (2014): Evaluation of Dynamical Downscaling Resolution Effect on Wind Energy Forecast Value for a Wind Farm in Central Sweden, Proceedings of the 3rd International Lund Regional-Scale Climate Modelling Workshop: 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling, pp. 282-283 [PDF]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Bernd Dammann, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): A Mean-Variance Criterion for Economic Model Predictive Control of Stochastic Linear Systems, Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014), pp. 5907-5914 [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Bernd Dammann, Henrik Madsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): A Decomposition Algorithm for Mean-Variance Economic Model Predictive Control of Stochastic Linear Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC 2014), pp. 1086-1093 [DOI]
- Gianluca Frison, D. Kwame Minde Kufoalor, Lars Imsland & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): Efficient Implementation of Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control on Embedded Devices, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), pp. 1954-1959 [DOI]
- Harald Waschl, John Bagterp Jørgensen, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom & Luigi Del Re (2014): A tuning approach for offset-free MPC with conditional reference adaptation, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, pp. 3062-3067 [DOI]
- Laura Standardi, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): A Reduced Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for a Suboptimal Linear MPC, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, pp. 2207-2212 [DOI]
- Gianluca Frison, Leo Emil Sokoler & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): A Family of High-Performance Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, pp. 3074-3079 [DOI]
- Gianluca Frison, Hans Henrik Brandenborg Sørensen, Bernd Dammann & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): High-performance small-scale solvers for linear Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC) 2014, pp. 128-133 [DOI]
- Marco Zugno, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2014): Robust Management of Combined Heat and Power Systems via Linear Decision Rules, Proceedings of IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2014), pp. 479-486 [DOI]
- Niamh O´Connell, Henrik Madsen, Pierre Pinson, Mark O’Malley & Torben Green (2014): Regulating Power from Supermarket Refrigeration, Proceedings of the IEEE ISGT Europe 2014, pp. 1-6 [DOI]
- Leo Emil Sokoler, Gianluca Frison, Martin S. Andersen & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2014): Input-constrained model predictive control via the alternating direction method of multipliers, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2014), pp. 115-120 [DOI]
Presentations and poster presentations
- J.B. Jørgensen, T.K.S. Ritschel, D. Boiroux, E. Schroll-Fleischer, M.R. Wahlgreen, M.K. Nielsen, H. Wu & J.K. Huusom (2020): Simulation of NMPC for a Laboratory Adiabatic CSTR with an Exothermic Reaction, Presentation at European Control Conference (ECC 2020)
- M.R. Wahlgreen, E. Schroll-Fleischer, D. Boiroux, T.K.S. Ritschel, H. Wu, J.K. Huusom & J.B. Jørgensen (2020): Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for an Exothermic Reaction in an Adiabatic CSTR, Presentation at 2020 Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS 2020)
- Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Rune Grønborg Junker, Ignacio Blanco, Karen Byskov Lindberg, Goran Krajačić & Henrik Madsen (2019): Demand response in district heating systems: on operational and capital savings potential, Presentation at 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems [PDF]
- Daniela Guericke, Ignacio Blanco, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Biomass Supply Planning for Combined Heat and Power Plants using Stochastic Programming, Presentation at International Conference on Operations Research 2017 [PDF]
- Daniela Guericke, Ignacio Blanco, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Stochastic Programming for Fuel Supply Planning of Combined Heat and Power Plants, Presentation at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, Houston, United States [PDF]
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Decision-making Under Uncertainty for Fuel Contracting of Combined Heat and Power Plants, Presentation at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization, Rome, Italy
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Decision-making under uncertainty to support the planning of biomass supply, Presentation at 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- Henrik Madsen, Jacopo Parvizi & Peder Bacher (2016): Smart-Energy Operating-System – A Framework for Implementing Flexible Electric Energy Systems in Smart Cities, Presentation at DTU ATV Sustain Conference 2016
- Martin Haubjerg Rosgaard, Andrea N. Hahmann, Henrik Madsen, Gregor Giebel, Poul Ejnar Sørensen, Henrik Aalborg Nielsen & Torben Skov Nielsen (2015): Limited area forecasting for wind energy scheduling, Poster presented at UCD Energy Institute and Electricity Research Centre Annual Symposium
- Ivan Tengbjerg Hermann, Niamh O´Connell, Alfred Heller & Henrik Madsen (2014): CITIES: Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in Cities, Presentation at European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research 2014 (EMCSR 2014)
Book chapters
- Peter Steen Mikkelsen, Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Poul Løgstrup Bjerg, Peter Bauer-Gottwein, Hans-Jørgen Albrechtsen, Henrik Rasmus Andersen, Luca Vezzaro, Morten Borup, Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen, Martin Drews, Kristian Mølhave, Krist V. Gernaey, Colin Stedmon, Patrizio Mariani, Severine Ramousse, Lotte Bjerregaard Jensen, Henrik Madsen, Lasse Engbo Christiansen, Erik Damgaard Christensen, Peter Uhd Jepsen, Jakob Janting, Sarah Renée Ruepp, Christian Pedersen, Line Bekker Poulsen, Thomas Overgaard Jensen, Lars Brückner, Jan Eiersted Molzen, Morten Andersen & Mads H Odgaard (2019): Lad vand og data strømme [PDF]
- Henrik Madsen, Jacopo Parvizi, Rasmus Fogtmann Halvgaard, Leo Emil Sokoler, John Bagterp Jørgensen, Lars Henrik Hansen & Klaus Baggesen Hilger (2015): Control of Electricity Loads in Future Electric Energy Systems in Antonio J. Conejo, Erik Dahlquist & Jinyue Yan: Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, pp. [DOI]
- Henrik Madsen, Jacopo Parvizi, Anna Maria Sempreviva, Henrik W. Bindner, Chris Dent & Reinhard Mackensen (2015): Integrated energy systems; aggregation, forecasting, and control in Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen & Leif Sønderberg Petersen: DTU International Energy Report 2015, pp. 34-40 [PDF]
- Julija Tastu, Pierre Pinson & Henrik Madsen (2015): Space-time trajectories of wind power generation: Parameterized precision matrices under a Gaussian copula approach in Anestis Antoniadis, Jean-Michel Poggi & Xavier Brossat: Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimensions, pp. 267-296 [PDF] [DOI]
- Henrik Madsen, Juan Miguel Morales, Pierre-Julien Trombe, Gregor Giebel, Hans Ejsing Jørgensen & Pierre Pinson (2014): Wind resource assessment and wind power forecasting in Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen & Leif Sønderberg Petersen: DTU International Energy Report 2014: Wind energy — drivers and barriers for higher shares of wind in the global power generation mix, pp. 72-78 [PDF]
Scientific reports
- Mark Dannemand, Simon Furbo, Claus Amtrup Andersen, Alfred Heller & Henrik Madsen (2017): Heating of indoor swimming pools by solar thermal collectors in summerhouses in Denmark, DTU Byg Sagsrapport; No. R-366, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering [PDF]
- Eskild Schroll-Fleischer, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2017): Implementation of advanced process control on the four tank pilot plant, DTU Compute-Technical Report-2017, Vol. 02, Technical University of Denmark, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) [PDF]
- Eskild Schroll-Fleischer, Hao Wu, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2017): Adiabatic continuous stirred tank reactor, DTU Compute-Technical Report-2017, Vol. 12, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute [PDF]
- Tobias Kasper Skovborg Ritschel, Jozsef Gaspar, Andrea Capolei & John Bagterp Jørgensen (2016): An open-source thermodynamic software library, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Compute-Technical Report-2016; No. 12), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) [PDF]
- Niamh O´Connell, Henrik Madsen, Philip Hvidthøft Delff Andersen, Pierre Pinson & Mark O’Malley (2014): Model Identification for Control of Display Units in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems, DTU Compute Technical Report 2014-02, Technical University of Denmark [PDF]
- Jan Emil Banning Iversen, Jan Kloppenborg Møller, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2013): Inhomogeneous Markov Models for Describing Driving Patterns, Technical University of Denmark [PDF]
Ph.D. theses
- Frederik Banis (2021): Efficient Operation of Energy Grids, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation
- Rune Grønborg Junker (2019): Characterisation and Integration of Energy Flexibility through Stochastic Modelling and Control, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Leo Emil Sokoler (2016): Methods and Algorithms for Economic MPC in Power Production Planning, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Gianluca Frison (2016): Algorithms and Methods for High-Performance Model Predictive Control, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Niamh O´Connell (2016): Approaches for Accommodating Demand Response in Operational Problems and Assessing its Value, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Laura Standardi (2015): Economic Model Predictive Control for Large-Scale and Distributed Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
WP6 – Simulation and Planning
Journal articles
- J.Z. Thellufsen, H. Lund, P. Sorknæs, P.A. Østergaard, M. Chang, D. Drysdale, S. Nielsen, S.R. Djørup & K. Sperling (2020): Smart energy cities in a 100% renewable energy context, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 129, pp. 109922 [PDF] [DOI]
- Sara Ben Amer, Jay S. Gregg, Karl Sperling & David Drysdale (2020): Too complicated and impractical? An exploratory study on the role of energy system models in municipal decision-making processes in Denmark, Energy Research & Social Science 70, pp. 101673 [PDF] [DOI]
- Louise Krog (2019): How municipalities act under the new paradigm for energy planning, Sustainable Cities and Society 47
- Louise Krog & Karl Sperling (2019): A comprehensive framework for strategic energy planning based on Danish and international insights, Energy Strategy Reviews 24, pp. 83-93 [PDF]
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen, Steffen Nielsen & Henrik Lund (2019): Implementing cleaner heating solutions towards a future low-carbon scenario in Ireland, Journal of cleaner production 214, pp. 377-388
- Louise Krog, Karl Sperling & Henrik Lund (2018): Barriers and Recommendations to Innovative Ownership Models for Wind Power, Energies 11(10) [PDF] [DOI]
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen & Henrik Lund (2017): Cross-border versus cross-sector interconnectivity in renewable energy systems, Energy 124, pp. 492-501 [DOI]
- Henrik Lund, Finn Arler, Poul Alberg Østergaard, Frede Hvelplund, David Connolly, Brian Vad Mathiesen & Peter Karnøe (2017): Simulation versus Optimisation: Theoretical Positions in Energy System Modelling, Energies 10(7), pp. 840 [PDF] [DOI]
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen & Henrik Lund (2016): Roles of local and national energy systems in the integration of renewable energy, Applied Energy 183, pp. 419-429 [DOI]
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen & Henrik Lund (2015): Energy saving synergies in national energy systems, Energy Conversion and Management 103, pp. 259-265 [DOI]
- Henrik Lund, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen, Søren Aggerholm, Kim Bjarne Wittchen, Steffen Nielsen, Brian Vad Mathiesen & Bernd Möller (2014): Heat Saving Strategies in Sustainable Smart Energy Systems, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 4, pp. 1-15 [PDF] [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Kenneth Hansen, David Connolly, Henrik Lund, Dave Drysdale & Jakob Zinck Thellufsen (2015): Heat Roadmap Europe: Balancing heat supply and heat savings for various European countries, Proceedings of the 10th Dubrovnik Conference for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen (2014): How to Establish Local Renewable Energy Scenarios in the Context of National Energy Systems, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, pp. 1-6 [PDF]
Presentations and poster presentations
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen (2015): Multiple Energy System Analysis of Smart Energy Systems, Presentation at International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen (2015): Smart Cities and National Energy Systems, Presentation at 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems [PDF]
Scientific reports
- Brian Vad Mathiesen, David Drysdale, Henrik Lund, Susana Paardekooper, Iva Ridjan, David Connolly, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen & Jens Stissing Jensen (2016): Future Green Buildings: A Key to Cost-Effective Sustainable Energy Systems, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University [PDF]
- Brian Vad Mathiesen, Henrik Lund, Kenneth Hansen, Iva Ridjan, Søren Roth Djørup, Steffen Nielsen, Peter Sorknæs, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen, Lars Grundahl, Rasmus Søgaard Lund, Dave Drysdale, David Connolly & Poul Alberg Østergaard (2015): IDA´s Energy Vision 2050: A Smart Energy System strategy for 100% renewable Denmark, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University [PDF]
- Henrik Lund, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen, Søren Aggerholm, Kim Bjarne Wittchen, Steffen Nielsen, Brian Vad Mathiesen & Bernd Möller (2014): Heat Saving Strategies in Sustainable Smart Energy Systems, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg Universitet [PDF]
Ph.D. theses
- Louise Krog Jensen (2019): Coordinated planning for renewable smart energy systems: How strategic energy planning could help meet local and national goals, Department of PlanningThe Technical Faculty of IT and DesignSustainable Energy Planning Research Group, Aalborg University, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
- Jakob Zinck Thellufsen (2017): Contextual Aspects of Smart City Energy Systems Analysis: Methodology and Tools, Aalborg University, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
WP7 – Decision-making and Support Systems
Journal articles
- Marko Mimica, Dominik F. Dominković, Vedran Kirinčić & Goran Krajačić (2022): Soft-linking of improved spatiotemporal capacity expansion model with a power flow analysis for increased integration of renewable energy sources into interconnected archipelago, Applied Energy 305, pp. 117855 [DOI]
- Amos Schledorn, Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen & Henrik Madsen (2021): Optimising Block Bids of District Heating Operators to the Day-Ahead Electricity Market using Stochastic Programming, Smart Energy 1 [PDF] [DOI]
- Hjörleifur G. Bergsteinsson, Jan Kloppenborg Møller, Peter Nystrup, Ólafur Petur Pálsson, Daniela Guericke & Henrik Madsen (2021): Heat load forecasting using adaptive temporal hierarchies, Applied Energy 292, pp. 116872 [PDF] [DOI]
- Marko Mimica, Dominik Franjo Dominković, Tomislav Capuder & Goran Krajačić (2021): On the value and potential of demand response in the smart island archipelago, Renewable Energy 176, pp. 153-168 [DOI]
- Tilman Weckesser, Dominik Franjo Dominković, Emma M.V. Blomgren, Amos Schledorn & Henrik Madsen (2021): Renewable Energy Communities: Optimal sizing and distribution grid impact of photo-voltaics and battery storage, Applied Energy 301, pp. 117408 [PDF] [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominković, Rune Grønborg Junker, Karen Byskov Lindberg & Henrik Madsen (2020): Implementing flexibility into energy planning models: Soft-linking of a high-level energy planning model and a short-term operational model, Applied Energy 260 [PDF] [DOI]
- Dominik Franjo Dominković, Goran Stunjek, Ignacio Blanco, Henrik Madsen & Goran Krajačić (2020): Technical, economic and environmental optimization of district heating expansion in an urban agglomeration, Energy 197 [PDF] [DOI]
- Daniela Guericke, Ignacio Blanco, Juan M. Morales & Henrik Madsen (2020): A two-phase stochastic programming approach to biomass supply planning for combined heat and power plants, OR Spectrum [PDF] [DOI]
- Frederik Banis, Henrik Madsen, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen & Daniela Guericke (2020): Prosumer Response Estimation Using SINDyc in Conjunction with Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Sampling, Energies 13(12) [PDF] [DOI]
- Ignacio Blanco, Anders N. Andersen, Daniela Guericke & Henrik Madsen (2019): A novel bidding method for combined heat and power units in district heating systems, Energy Systems [PDF] [DOI]
- Frederik Banis, Daniela Guericke, Henrik Madsen & Niels Poulsen (2019): Load Frequency Control in Microgrids using target adjusted Model Predictive Control, I E T Renewable Power Generation 14(1) [PDF] [DOI]
- Peter Alexander Stentoft, Daniela Guericke, Thomas Munk-Nielsen, Peter Steen Mikkelsen, Henrik Madsen, Luca Vezzaro & Jan Kloppenborg Møller (2019): Model predictive control of stochastic wastewater treatment process for smart power, cost-effective aeration, IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(1), pp. 622-627 [PDF] [DOI]
- Frederik Banis, Daniela Guericke, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2019): Supporting power balance in Microgrids with Uncertain Production using Electric Vehicles and Indirect Control, IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(4), pp. 371-376 [PDF] [DOI]
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen & Henrik Madsen (2018): Operational Planning and Bidding for District Heating Systems with Uncertain Renewable Energy Production, Energies 11(12) [PDF] [DOI]
- Jan Emil B. Iversen, Juan M. Morales, Jan K. Møller, Pierre-Julien Trombe & Henrik Madsen (2017): Leveraging stochastic differential equations for probabilistic forecasting of wind power using a dynamic power curve, Wind Energy 20(1), pp. 33-44 [DOI]
- Ignacio Blanco & Juan Miguel Morales González (2017): An Efficient Robust Solution to the Two-Stage Stochastic Unit Commitment Problem, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32(6), pp. 4477-4488 [PDF] [DOI]
- Jan Emil Banning Iversen, Juan Miguel Morales González, Jan Kloppenborg Møller & Henrik Madsen (2016): Short-term Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind Speed Using Stochastic Differential Equations, International Journal of Forecasting 32(3), pp. 981-990 [DOI]
- Salvador Pineda & Juan Miguel Morales González (2016): Capacity expansion of stochastic power generation under two-stage electricity markets, Computers & Operations Research 70, pp. 101-114 [DOI]
- Maria Grønnegaard Nielsen, Juan Miguel Morales González, Marco Zugno, Thomas Engberg Pedersen & Henrik Madsen (2016): Economic valuation of heat pumps and electric boilers in the Danish energy system, Applied Energy 167, pp. 189-200 [DOI]
- Marco Zugno, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2016): Commitment and dispatch of heat and power units via affinely adjustable robust optimization, Computers & Operations Research 75, pp. 191-201 [DOI]
- Javier Saez Gallego, Juan Miguel Morales González, Marco Zugno & Henrik Madsen (2016): A Data-Driven Bidding Model for a Cluster of Price-Responsive Consumers of Electricity, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(6), pp. 5001-5011 [DOI]
- Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Juan Miguel Morales González & Pierre Pinson (2016): Impact of Inter- and Intra-Regional Coordination in Markets With a Large Renewable Component, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(6), pp. 5061-5070 [PDF] [DOI]
- Bjarne Bach, Jesper Werling, Torben Schmidt Ommen, Marie Münster, Juan Miguel Morales González & Brian Elmegaard (2016): Integration of large-scale heat pumps in the district heating systems of Greater Copenhagen, Energy 107, pp. 321-334 [DOI]
- Anders Skajaa, Kristian Edlund & Juan Miguel Morales González (2015): Intraday Trading of Wind Energy, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30(6), pp. 3181-3189 [DOI]
- Salvador Pineda, Juan Miguel Morales González & Trine Krogh Boomsma (2015): Impact of forecast errors on expansion planning of power systems with a renewables target, European Journal of Operational Research 248(3), pp. 1113-1122 [DOI]
- Anna Hellmers, Marco Zugno, Anders Skajaa & Juan Miguel Morales González (2015): Operational Strategies for a Portfolio of Wind Farms and CHP Plants in a Two-Price Balancing Market, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31(3), pp. 2182-2191 [DOI]
- Yu Hu, Juan Miguel Morales González, Salvador Pineda, María Jesús Sánchez & Pablo Solana (2015): Dynamic multi-stage dispatch of isolated wind–diesel power systems, Energy Conversion and Management 103, pp. 605-615 [DOI]
- Marco Zugno, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2015): Decision Support Tools for Electricity Retailers, Wind Power and CHP Plants Using Probabilistic Forecasts, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 7, pp. 19-36 [PDF] [DOI]
Articles in conference proceedings
- Giulia De Zotti, Daniela Guericke, Seyyed Ali Pourmousavi Kani, Juan Miguel Morales, Henrik Madsen & Niels Kjølstad Poulsen (2019): Analysis of rebound effect modelling for flexible electrical consumers, I F A C Workshop Series, pp. 6-11 [PDF] [DOI]
- Frederik Banis, Daniela Guericke, Henrik Madsen & lstad \o Niels Kj Poulsen (2018): Utilizing flexibility in Microgrids using Model Predictive Control, Proceedings of Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion [PDF] [DOI]
- Christos Ordoudis, Pierre Pinson, Marco Zugno & Juan Miguel Morales González (2015): Stochastic Unit Commitment via Progressive Hedging – Extensive Analysis of Solution Methods, Proceedings of the IEEE PowerTech Conference 2015, pp. 1-6 [DOI]
- Marco Zugno, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2014): Robust Management of Combined Heat and Power Systems via Linear Decision Rules, Proceedings of IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2014), pp. 479-486 [DOI]
Presentations and poster presentations
- Amos Schledorn, Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen & Henrik Madsen (2020): An advanced optimization-based bidding method for district heating providers considering uncertainty and block bids, Presentation at 6th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems
- Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen, Ignacio Blanco & Henrik Madsen (2018): A novel bidding method for combined heat and power units in district heating systems, Presentation at 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating [PDF]
- Daniela Guericke, Anders N. Andersen, Ignacio Blanco & Henrik Madsen (2018): A novel optimization-based bidding method for combined heat and power units in district heating systems, Presentation at International Conference on Operations Research 2018
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Juan M. Morales, Henrik Madsen & Jong-Bae Park (2018): Optimal Short-term Operation of Combined Heat and Power Plants Using Different Operation Modes, Presentation at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018
- Daniela Guericke, Ignacio Blanco, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Biomass Supply Planning for Combined Heat and Power Plants using Stochastic Programming, Presentation at International Conference on Operations Research 2017 [PDF]
- Daniela Guericke, Ignacio Blanco, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Stochastic Programming for Fuel Supply Planning of Combined Heat and Power Plants, Presentation at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, Houston, United States [PDF]
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Decision-making Under Uncertainty for Fuel Contracting of Combined Heat and Power Plants, Presentation at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization, Rome, Italy
- Ignacio Blanco & Juan Miguel Morales Gonzáles (2017): An Efficient Robust Solution to the Two-Stage Stochastic Unit Commitment Problem, Presentation at Symposia on Mathematical Techniques Applied to Data Analysis and Processing (SMATAD), Málaga, Spain [PDF]
- Ignacio Blanco, Daniela Guericke, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2017): Decision-making under uncertainty to support the planning of biomass supply, Presentation at 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- Christos Ordoudis, Pierre Pinson & Juan Miguel Morales González (2016): Stochastic Integrated Market for Electric Power and Natural Gas Systems, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
Book chapters
- Henrik Madsen, Juan Miguel Morales, Pierre-Julien Trombe, Gregor Giebel, Hans Ejsing Jørgensen & Pierre Pinson (2014): Wind resource assessment and wind power forecasting in Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen & Leif Sønderberg Petersen: DTU International Energy Report 2014: Wind energy — drivers and barriers for higher shares of wind in the global power generation mix, pp. 72-78 [PDF]
Scientific reports
- Jan Emil Banning Iversen, Jan Kloppenborg Møller, Juan Miguel Morales González & Henrik Madsen (2013): Inhomogeneous Markov Models for Describing Driving Patterns, Technical University of Denmark [PDF]
Ph.D. theses
- Frederik Banis (2021): Efficient Operation of Energy Grids, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation
- Ignacio Blanco (2019): Decision-making Under Uncertainty for the Operation of Integrated Energy Systems, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Ph.D. dissertation [PDF]
Partner publications
Journal articles
- Steven Heinen & Mark. J. O’Malley (2019): Complementarities of Supply and Demand Sides in Integrated Energy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10(1), pp. 1156-1165 [DOI]
- Steve Heinen, Daniel Burke & Mark O’Malley (2016): Electricity, gas, heat integration via residential hybrid heating technologies – An investment model assessment, Energy 109, pp. 906-919 [DOI]
Presentations and poster presentations
- Steve Heinen (2016): Residential Space Heat Electrification in a System with High Penetration of Wind – A Planning Analysis, Presentation at Energy Centre Research Seminar, University of Auckland
- Steve Heinen (2016): Smart integration of future domestic heaters in energy systems with high shares of variable renewables – An investment model assessment, Presentation at Energy Centre Research Symposium, University of Auckland
- Steve Heinen (2016): Planning tools for integrated energy systems – New energy paradigms, modelling challenges & personal endeavours, Presentation at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Steve Heinen (2016): Electricity, gas, heat integration via residential hybrid heating technologies, Poster presented at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Mark O´Malley (2016): Status of European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme in Energy Systems Integration and International Institute of Energy Systems Integration, Presentation at 3rd General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Kristoffer Negendahl & Toke Rammer Nielsen (2014): Parametric City Scale Energy Modeling Perspectives on using Termite in city scaled models, Poster presented at International Energy Systems Integration European Workshop 2014
- Ivan Tengbjerg Herrmann (2014): Quantifying the impact – Can the design of the study affect the results?, Poster presented at 1st General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
- Sara Ben Amer (2014): What is a city?, Poster presented at 1st General Consortium Meeting of CITIES project
Scientific reports
- CITIES Task Force (2020): Nettariffer for Fremtiden, CITIES [PDF]
- CITIES Task Force (2019): Energiafgifter for fremtiden, CITIES [PDF]
- CITIES Task Force (2019): Testzoner for Udvikling og Afprøvning af Fremtidens Energisystem og Rammebetingelser (regulatoriske frizoner), CITIES [PDF]
- Mark O’Malley, Benjamin Kroposki, Bryan Hannegan, Henrik Madsen, Mattias Andersson, William D’haeseleer, Mark F. McGranaghan, Chris Dent, Goran Strbac, Suresh Baskaran & Michael Rinker (2016): Energy Systems Integration:Defining and Describing theValue Proposition, NREL/TP-5D00-66616, NREL [PDF]
- Henrik Madsen, Peder Bacher, Geert Bauwens, An-Heleen Deconinck, Glenn Reynders, Staf Roels, Eline Himpe & Guillaume Lethé (2015): Thermal Performance Characterization using Time Series Data – IEA EBC Annex 58 Guidelines, DTU Compute-Technical Report-2015; No. 8, Technical University of Denmark, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) [PDF]
Past events
CITIES workshops are a framework for deeper discussions on specific issues and topics in the area of integrated energy systems. Furthermore, they facilitate the interaction across work packages and with external experts in the field.
JOIN the summer school 2022, August 15-19: Time Series Analysis – with a focus on modelling and forecasting in energy systems
Previous workshops
- WEBINAR Towards large scale integration; Energy islands and energy flexibility – June 22, 2021.
- WEBINAR: Accelerating the green transition using AI and energy system integration – December 8, 2020
- Energy Webinar on System Integration and Energy Conversion, October 29, 2020 – 2 PM-4 PM – CET
- Webinar: Data-Driven Technologies for Energy Efficiency and Flexibility – August 12, 2020
- Self-learning district heating systems (Gate21) on March 5, 2020
- Internal workshop for district heating plants in Cities focusing on value creation from measurements and data. On November 6, Fjernvarmens Hus in Kolding.
- Documents: WORKSHOP ON PV-THERMAL SYSTEMS – Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark – October 9, 2019. Hosted by IEA TASK 60 and CITIES
- Documents from 100% CLIMATE NEUTRALITY, Sonderborg – videos and pdf
- CITIES workshop in Zagreb – Data intelligent operation of DHC – April 3rd-4th 2019
- ISGAN Annex 7 seminar – co-organized by CITIES and Flex4RES in Copenhagen, October 22nd 2018
- CITIES / UNEP-DTU workshop – “Smart Low Carbon Regions” in Copenhagen, August 19th 2018
- CITIES / Inno-SE workshop – “Energy storage systems in a life cycle perspective” in Copenhagen, August 30th 2018
- EERA ESI JP / ESIG / CITIES workshop – “How to get a 100% renewable energy system?” in Copenhagen, May 24th 2018
- CITIES-Seminar on “Building Simulation and Energy Flexible Buildings in a smart cities context” at DTU, April 23rd 2018
- CITIES workshop: Integration of prosumer buildings in energy systems at DTU, April 6th 2018
- “Smart low-carbon city seminar and workshop” in Indonesia, March 21st 2018
- CITIES/FutureGas Joint Seminar: Modeling and Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems – DTU Elektro, December 15th 2017
- ISGAN Smart Grid Transitions seminar on “Smart Grid Transitions – System Solutions and Consumer Behaviour in Buildings” at DTU – August 23rd 2017
- Joint FutureGas-CITIES-InnoSE gas workshop – April 3rd 2017
- Smart Sustainable Cities seminar – February 6th-7th 2017
- CITIES Workshop on “Long-term Ideal Electricity Markets Setup” at DTU – January 25th 2017
- CITIES Workshop on “Value creation by use of smart city data” – January 12th 2017
- CITIES and EU EERA JP Energy Systems Integration Workshop on Modelling, Forecasting, Aggregation and Control – DTU, November 2nd-4th 2016
- Model Predictive Control – DTU, March 21st 2016
- Inno-SE, CITIES and 4DH workshop – Grøn Energi (Dansk Fjernvarme), January 18th 2016
- Modelling energy supply and demand in the CITIES project –, November 25th 2015
- CITIES Korean International Workshop – KIER, Daejeon, Korea, October 22nd 2015
- Workshop on Mathematical Sciences Collaboration in Energy Systems Integration – DTU, September 24-25th 2015
- “Flexibility and Buildings” Workshop – DTU, September 7th 2015
- Nordic Cities Workshop – Copenhagen, September 1st-2nd 2015
- CITIES & ProjectZero joint Sønderborg Workshop – March 12th 2015
- Workshop: Modeling and Optimization of Heat and Power Systems – DTU, January 12th 2015
- Workshop at Grundfos – December 8th 2014
- Cost Wire and CITIES Workshop June 2014 Roskilde, Denmark
- iiESI Workshop on Energy Systems Integration (ESI) May 27-28th 2014 (Copenhagen)
Consortium meetings
The sixth annual consortium meeting – CITIES at the conference 100% Climate Neutrality in Sonderborg, DK on the 1st and 2nd October 2019.
The fifth annual consortium meeting took place at Energinet in Fredericia on 20th and 21st September 2018.
The fourth consortium meeting took place at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) in Aarhus on 30th and 31st May 2017.
The third consortium meeting took place at DTU on the 24th and 25th of May 2016.
The second consortium meeting took place at DTU on the 26th and 27th of May 2015.
Consortium meeting for CITIES, 26th – 27th May 2014 at DTU Lyngby Campus, Denmark
PhD/Postdoc & Summer schools
Previous summer and winter schools:
- The summer school 2021, August 23-27: Time Series Analysis – with a focus on modelling and forecasting in energy systems
- Renewable Energy Forecasting Summer School, Rio de Janeiro, November 2-5, 2020 – virtual
- Time Series Analysis – with a focus on modelling and forecasting in energy systems – Date: August 24-28, 2020, DTU, Denmark
- Summer School at DTU, Lyngby, Denmark: Time Series Analysis – with a focus on Modelling and Forecasting in Energy Systems – August 26th-30st, 2019
- Summer school at DTU, Lyngby, Denmark on “Time Series Analysis – with a focus on modelling and forecasting in energy systems” – August 27th-31st, 2018
- Summer School at DTU, Lyngby, Denmark – July 4th-8th 2016
- Summer School – Granada, Spain, June 19th-24th 2016
- Summer School at DTU, Lyngby, Denmark – June 22nd-26th 2015
- Summer School in “Energy Systems Integration 101” – Leuven, Belgium, May 18th-22nd 2015
- Winter school: “Integrated Approaches to Energy Systems” – EPFL, February 2nd-13th, 2015
- Summer School in “Building Energy Modelling” – Leuven, Belgium, 1-5 Sept 2014
- CITIES Summer School 21-25 July 2014
Presentations - talks
Date | Presenter | Event | Link and information |
November, 10, 2020 November 10, 2020 November 9, 2020 | Tilman Weckesser, Consultant, Danish Energy Peter Stentoft, Data Scientist and software developer Peter Rathje, CEO, ProjectZero, Sønderborg, DK | Green Digitalization Green Digitalization CITIES final conference | PDF: Impact of Energy Communities on Distribution Grids PDF: Smart Control of Wastewater Treatment Aeration |
November 9, 2020 | Shmuel Oren, Professor, University of Berkeley, California, US and Niclas Brok, PhD student, DTU Compute | CITIES final conference | PDF: Market Based Mechanisms for Mobilizing Electric Demand Flexibility |
November 9, 2020 | Ben Kroposki, Director, National Renewable Energy Lab, NREL, Colorado, US | CITIES final conference | |
November 9, 2020 | Carsten S. Kallesøe, Chief ing., Grundfos and Rune G. Junker, Postdoc at DTU Compute | CITIES final conference | PDF: Flexibility concepts in practice; case study on water towers |
November 9, 2020 | John Bagterp Jørgensen, Professor at DTU Compute and Work Package Manager on CITIES | CITIES final conference | |
November 9, 2020 | Karl Sperling, Associate Professor and Work Package Manager on CITIES, Jakob Zinck and Louise Krog Elmegaard Mouritsen, Post Doc, Department for Development and Planning at Aalborg University | CITIES final conference | PDF: Simulation and planning for the future smart energy system |
November 9, 2020 | Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, Postdoc at DTU Compute | CITIES final conference | |
November 9, 2020 | Per Sieverts Nielsen, Senior Researcher at DTU Management, Xiufeng Liu, Senior Researcher at DTU Management & Adam Brun from Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering | CITIES final conference | |
November 9, 2020 | Carsten Rode, Professor at DTU Byg and Work Package Manager on CITIES & Christoffer Rasmussen, PhD at DTU Compute | CITIES final conference | PDF: Data-driven methods for characterizing the dynamics of buildings |
November 9, 2020 | Suggestions for new energy taxes and net tariffs (reports from CITIES Task Force group) Nina Detlefsen, Chief Analyst, Green Energy, Danish District Heating Association and Jan Hvidbjerg, Lead Analyst, Ørsted | CITIES final conference | PDF: Suggestions for new energy taxes and net tariffs (reports from CITIES Task Force group) |
November 9, 2020 | Giulia de Zotti, Energy Advisor at Danish Energy Agency / Postdoc at DTU Compute | CITIES final conference | PDF: Leveraging consumers’ flexibility for the provision of ancillary services |
November 9, 2020 | Daniela Guericke, Assistant Professor at DTU Compute, Work Package Manager on CITIES & Anders Andersen, CTO at EMD International | CITIES final conference | PDF: Methods for optimal operation and market participation of district heating systems |
November 9, 2020 | Pierre Pinson, Professor, DTU Elektro and Work Package Manager at CITIES | CITIES final conference | |
November 9, 2020 | Jong-Bae Park, Professor and Head of Research Center for Innovative Electricity Market Technology, Konkuk University, Korea | CITIES final conference | |
November 9, 2020 | Henrik Madsen, Professor at DTU Compute, Project Manager, CITIES | CITIES final conference | PDF: Achievements and recommendations |
November 9, 2020 | Olivier Corradi, CEO at Tomorrow
| CITIES final conference | |
September 21, 2020 | Henrik Madsen | Presentation in the Danish parliament: Consultation in the Climate, Energy and Supply Committee on smart energy systems) | |
September 21, 2020 | Peder Bacher | Presentation at Dansk Fjernvarme | Digitalisering af fjernvarmen, viden fra CITIES-projektet og konkret anvendelse |
August 2020 | Giulia De Zotti | Presentation from PMAPS2020 (Bruxelles, 18-21 August 2020 - the 16th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems) | Data-driven Non linear Prediction Model for Price Signals in Demand Response Programs |
August 2020 | Henrik Madsen | Lecture from PMAPS 2020 (the 16th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems) | Probabilistic Forecasting for System Operators in a Low-Carbon Society Abstract |
Maj 2020 | Henrik Madsen | Lecture from IEA Wind Digitalization: 2nd General Meeting (Virtual) | Fusion of Data and Physics-Based Modeling; State-of-the-Art and Applications |
Marts 2020 | Henrik Madsen | Lecture from Energy Transition Week Trondheim, Virtual Workshop | Characterization and Use of Flexibility for the Future Smart and Integrated Energy System |
05-03-2020 | Henrik Madsen | Masterclass om digitalisering af fjernvarmen - Gate21 | |
Februar 2020 | Henrik Madsen | Lecture from TU Delft Urban Energy konference | |
Januar 2020 | Henrik Madsen | Lecture from ERGO-EME Seminar, Mathematics, University of Edinburgh | Accelerating the Green Transition Using Energy Systems Integration and Data-Intelligenc |
23-26-06-2019 | Giulia De Zotti | Presentation from EURO2019 (Dublin, 23-26 June 2019) | Control-based provision of ancillary services by flexible end-users |
21 June 2019 | Giulia De Zotti | Giulia De Zotti - DTU Defence2019 (Copenhagen, 21 June 2019) | Leveraging Consumers’ Flexibility for the Provision of Ancillary Services |
07-03-2019 | Henrik Madsen | Danish Cooling and Heat Pump Forum 2019 | En acceleration af den grønne omstilling gennem digitalisering |
09-01-2019 | Henrik Madsen | EnergiForum Danmark: Cognitive Buildings | Cognitive Buildings, hvor langt er vi kommet og mulighederne fremover |
18-12-2018 | Henrik Madsen | BSA Seminar, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | How to Accelerate the Transition to a Fossil-free Society Using Smart Buildings |
26-11-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting at | CITIES and Center Denmark A National Digitalization Hub for a Smart and Fossil-free Society |
22-11-2018 | Henrik Madsen | CenSES Annual Conference 2018, Scientific conference, Oslo | How to use flexibility for accelerating the green transition |
08-11-2018 | Per Sieverts Nielsen | International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Practices, Indonesia | |
07-11-2018 | Henrik Madsen | European Utility Week, Vienna | SmartNet - Pilot B (Denmark): Flexibility in Summer Houses with a Swimming Pool |
30-10-2018 | Henrik Madsen | IEEE SmartGridComm Conference Aalborg | |
25-10-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Chinese Mayors Training Program, DTU | |
24-10-2018 | Per Sieverts Nielsen | BITs 8thAnnual Low Carbon Earth Summit, Qingdao | |
23-10-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Workshop at Florence School of Regulation, Florence, Italy | Pilot B (Denmark): Flexibility in Summer Houses with a Swimming Pool |
01-10-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Minister for Education and Research’s visit at DTU (Tommy Ahlers) | Towards a Low-Carbon Society: Data Intelligent Integration and Storage of Wind and Solar Power |
29-08-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Visit by Tencent, David Wallenstein, Martrikel 1, Copenhagen | |
03-07-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting with Google and EWII | |
27-06-2018 | Henrik Madsen | NTNU Workshop, European Parliament | The Importance of ICT Technologies in the Overall Energy Transition |
1-6 July 2018 | Giulia De Zotti | Presentation from ISMP2018 (Bordeaux, 1-6 July 2018) | Consumers’ Flexibility Estimation at the TSO Level for Balancing Services |
27-06-2018 | Henrik Madsen | House of Energy Event, Green Tech Center, Vejle | |
06-06-2018 | Brian Vad Mathiesen | DG Energy, Expert workshop - Technology Pathways, European Commission | |
3-7 June 2018 | Giulia De Zotti | Presentation from ENERGYCON2018 (Cyprus, 3-7 June 2018) | Utilizing Flexibility Resources in the Future Power System Operation: Alternative Approaches |
21-05-2018 | Henrik Madsen | CLEAN Annual Meeting | Data Intelligence is Key to Energy Efficient and Flexible Energy Systems |
26-03-2018 | Henrik Madsen/Peter Stentoft | DANVAK Annual Meeting | Metoder til at udnytte energifleksibilitet i spildevandssystemer |
26-03-2018 | Henrik Madsen | IEA ECB Annex 67 Meeting in Barcelona | Characterizing the Energy Flexibility of Buildings and Districts |
23-03-2018 | Per Sieverts Nielsen | Invited talk at Manado State University, Indonesia | |
22-03-2018 | Per Sieverts Nielsen | Invited talk at Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Indonesia | |
21-03-2018 | Per Sieverts Nielsen | Presenation at at Smart Low-carbon City seminar workshop, Manado, Indonesia | |
20-03-2018 | Per Sieverts Nielsen | Invited talk at De La Salle University Manado, Indonesia | |
14-03-2018 | Henrik Madsen | SINTEF - ZEN Workshop on Energy/Power Flexibility Indicators at FME ZEN Centre, NTNU, Oslo | Characterizing the Energy Flexibility of Buildings and Districts |
01-03-2018 | Henrik Madsen | INSERO's 10 years anniversary at Insero Atrium, Horsens | Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science for Smart Energy Systems |
27-02-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Invited Presentation for Energy Savings Council (Energisparerådet) at Danish Energy Agency | |
10-02-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Digitalisation of District Heating Systems at Kraftringen, Lund, Sweden | Data Intelligent Operation of DH Systems (incl. Temp. Opt. v.4.0) |
05-02-2018 | Henrik Lund | Workshop at the Danish parlament Christiansborg (in Danish) | |
24-01-2018 | Henrik Madsen | Energy Cooperative Meeting at Utrecht, Netherlands | How to characterize and use energy flexible buildings and cooperatives |
04-01-2018 | Henrik Madsen | New Year Special Event (Nytårskur) in Copenhagen at Municipality of Copenhagen, BloxHub | Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems - Energy Systems in Smart Cities for the Smart Society |
07-12-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Invited talk at Argonne National Lab, Chicago | |
05-12-2017 | Henrik Madsen | iiESI Workshop on Infrastructures, NREL, Denver, Colerado | Can heating and cooling really be flexible enough to have an impact on the energy infrastructure? |
01-12-2017 | Henrik Madsen | ZEN Workshop, SINTEF Byggforsk, Trondheim, Norge | |
21-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | European Big Data Forum (EDF session on Energy), Versailles, Paris | |
15-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Workshop with Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) | Brug af data ved Energibesparelser, Energimærkning, samt Intelligente (Flexible) Bygninger |
14-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting with Lyngby Vidensby | Methodologies for Integrating Energy Flexible Buildings and Districts into the Future Smart Grid |
13-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | IDA Energy workshop on Cognitive Buildings | Methods for using existing and new data - Results from CITIES, SCA and REBUS projects |
07-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | ZEN Workshop on 'Energy Flexibility in Zero Emission Neighborhoods' | Methodologies for integrating energy flexible buildings in the future smart grid |
07-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | ZEN Workshop, Energy flexibility in Zero Emission Neighborhoods | Grey-box modelling; Bridging the gap between physical and statistical modelling |
06-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Grundfos - DTU Workshop | |
06-11-2017 | Henrik Madsen | NTNU-DTU Smart Cities Meeting at DTU | |
24-10-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Nordic Smart Cities Live, Stockholm | Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems - Energy Systems in Smart Cities for the Smart Society |
10-10-2017 | Henrik Madsen | FLEXcoop Kickoff Meeting, Fraunhofer, Bruxelles | |
09-10-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting with Helsingør Forsyning at DTU | Data Intelligent Temperature Optimization (Temp. Opt. v.4.0) |
05-10-2017 | Henrik Madsen | eSACP Workshop on DTU | Using stochastic differential equations for wind and solar power forecasting |
03-10-2017 | Henrik Madsen | iEnergy Conference at EWII, Kolding | |
28-09-2017 | Henrik Madsen | IEA Annex 67 Meeting, Graz, Austria | |
25-09-2017 | Daniela Guericke and Ignacio Blanco | Meeting with Ringkøbing District Heating | Optimal Dispatch for CHP Units under Solar Production Uncertainty |
23-09-2017 | Henrik Madsen | High Tech SUMMIT 2017 | |
21-09-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Chinese Mayors Training Program with Grundfos | Energy Systems Integration in Cities - Chinese Mayors Training Program |
06-09-2017 | Henrik Madsen | IDA Energy: Cognitive Buildings - Intelligent Buildings for the future | |
05-09-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Invited talk at Confederation of Danish Industry | Use of Flexibility in Future Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems |
23-08-2017 | Henrik Madsen | ISGAN Smart Grid Seminar | |
22-08-2017 | Henrik Madsen | The BRIDGE Summit at DI, Copenhagen | |
25-07-2017 | Henrik Madsen | IEA Annex 67 Workshop on Energy Flexible Buildings for Smart Grids | A Framework for Characterizing Thermal Flexibility in Buildings and Districts |
06-07-2017 | Henrik Madsen | University of Granada, Spain | |
01-07-2017 | Daniela Guericke | Invited talk at DS&OR Forum, University of Paderborn, Germany | |
22-06-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Chinese Mayors Visit in Denmark | |
15-06-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting with Kraftringen on next generation of District Heating Temperature Control | Data Intelligent Temperature Optimization (Temp. Opt. v.4.0) |
08-06-2017 | Henrik Madsen | DTU-Tsinghua Workshop on Energy, Technology and Behaviour in Buildings at Tsinghua University, Beijing | Identification of stochastic models for describing the thermal performance of buildings |
07-06-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8), Bejing, China | Emission/Cost Saving by Data Intelligent Control of Motor Systems |
01-06-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Doctor Honoris Causa Lecture | Statistics and Crystall Ball Techniques - ... on the use of Hidden Markov Models |
24-05-2017 | Henrik Madsen | REBUS Workshop at Saint-Gobain | Statistical Models and Methods; Thermal performance and Occupant behavior |
11-05-2017 | Henrik Madsen | NIRAS, EWII, Danfoss, Grundfos, ENFOR, EMD workshop on intelligent and integrated energy systems in Kolding, Denmark | |
10-05-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Danish Energy Association Event on Intelligent Nets at Balslev, Copenhagen | A Control-Based Approach for Solving Ancillary Service Problems in Smart Grids |
27-04-2017 | Henrik Madsen | IEA Annex 71 Meeting (key note lecture) at Loughborough University | |
25-04-2017 | Henrik Madsen | IEA Annex 73 Preparation Meeting at Rambøll Head Office (Copenhagen) | |
05-04-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting with Danish Ministry for Energy, Utilities and Climate | Brug af Data i Fremtidens Intelligente og Integrerede Energisystemer |
30-03-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Conference on Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks (COST TD 1207) at University of Modena (UNIMORE) | Controlling the Electricity Load in Futue Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems |
29-03-2017 | Giulia De Zotti | Conference on Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks (COST TD 1207) at University of Modena (UNIMORE) | A Control-Based Approach for Solving Ancillary Service Problems in Smart Grids |
28-03-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting on ESS and Kraftringen related to District Heating Intelligence at Kraftringen, Lund, Sweden | |
07-03-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Invited Talk at KU Leuven | |
06-03-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Danish Strategy Meeting on DH Related Focus Areas at Niras, Aarhus | |
08-02-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Visitors from Croatian Government and World Bank at DTU Compute | Methodologies for Operating Future Intelligent Power and Energy Systems |
06-02-2017 | Henrik Madsen | Smart Greater Copenhagen - Kick-off Event at Copenhagen (Region H) | |
16-12-2016 | Brian Vad Mathiesen | SmartEnCity Network webinar | |
13-12-2016 | Steve Heinen | Energy Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand | |
30-11-2016 | Henrik Madsen | CLEAN - Flexible Power Consumption in Companies at Hindsgavl, Middelfart | Smart-Energy Operating-System; A Framework for Implementing Flexible Energy Systems |
30-11-2016 | Peder Bacher | Sustain ATV Conference 2016; Creating Technology for a Sustainable Society at DTU | |
29-11-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Visit from Korean Government | CITIES - Center for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in cities; Energy Strategy Meeting |
24-11-2016 | Steven Firth (LBORO), Mohammad Royapoor (UNEW), Judith Borsboom van Beurden (NTNU), Antonio Garrido-Marijuan (AIT), Henrik Madsen (DTU), Wojciech Bujalski (ITC), Hatef Madani Larijan and Monica Arnaudo (KTH) and Annemie Wyckmans (NTNU) | EERA Conference in Birmingham | |
22-11-2016 | Erik Lindström | CITIES Seminar on Electricity Markets | A Stability Analysis of the Nord Pool System using Hourly Spot Price Data |
22-11-2016 | Stein-Erik Fleten, Marius Johansen, Alois Pichler, Carl J Ullrich | CITIES Seminar on Electricity Markets | Policy Uncertainty and Real Options in Switching of Peak Generators |
21-11-2016 | Alfred Heller | EERA Conference in Birmingham | The City of Knowledge - A Triple Helix Organization - Methods for an alternative value chain |
21-11-2016 | Henrik Madsen | CASHPump Kick-off meeting (EUDP project using tools from CITIES) | |
14-11-2016 | Alfred Heller | ATV meeting | |
03-11-2016 | Henrik Madsen | EERA JP Energy Systems Integration Workshop at DTU | Methodologies for Operating Future Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems |
02-11-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Chinese Mayors Training - DTU and Grundfos | Energy Systems Integration in Cities - Chinese Mayors Training Program |
31-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | NTNU-DTU Workshop on Smart Cities at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway | Methodologies for Operating Future Intelligent Wastewater Systems |
31-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | NTNU-DTU Workshop on Smart Cities at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway | |
20-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | NTU-DTU Smart Cities Workshop in Singapore | Methodologies for Operating Future Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems |
13-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Smart Cities Accelerator Project Kick-off Meeting in Copenhagen | Præsentation af CITIES projektet - med fokus på SCA (in Danish) |
13-10-2016 | Xiufeng Liu, Per Sieverts Nielsen, Alfred Heller, Alexander Turecz | Smart Cities Accelerator Kick-off Meeting in Copenhagen | |
11-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | CESI invited keynote presentation at the University of Newcastle | Methodologies for Operating Future Intelligent Energy Systems |
10-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | VKR-Holding, Arcon-Sunmark, DTU | |
04-10-2016 | Henrik Madsen | IDA Conference on Smart and Sustainable Cities at IDA Copenhagen | Methodologies for Implementing Energy Related Smart Cities Solutions |
22-09-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Siemens CKI Event at DTU | |
12-09-2016 | Henrik Madsen | EU JRC Workshop on Location Data at JRC Ispra, Italy | Methods for using online and spatial data for energy systems |
08-09-2016 | Henrik Madsen | NTVA Nordic Smart Cities and Communities Conf. in Trondheim | |
19-08-2016 | Henrik Madsen | China Architecture Design Group - 60 Smart Cities from China at DTU Compute | |
11-08-2016 | Henrik Madsen | VIP visit (Villum Christensen) visit at DTU | |
03-08-2016 | Henrik Madsen | OB-16 Symposium and 4th IEA EBC Annex 66 Experts’ Meeting in Ottawa, Canada | |
21-07-2016 | Juan Miguel Morales González | IEEE PES GM in Boston | Operational Strategies for a Portfolio of Wind Farms in a Two-Price Balancing Market |
20-07-2016 | Juan Miguel Morales González | IEEE PES GM in Boston | |
06-07-2016 | Henrik Madsen | H2020 SmartNet Consortium Meeting at DTU | |
01-07-2016 | Henrik Madsen | EERA JP Smart Cities workshop in Prague | CITIES - A Framework for Implementing Energy Flexible Solutions in Smart Cities |
29-06-2016 | Henrik Madsen | The 26th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics - NordStat2016 - Big Data in Smart Cities at the University of Copenhagen | Using Big Data Analytics for Enabling Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems in Smart Cities |
20-06-2016 | Henrik Madsen | ISF2016 (International Symposium on Forecasting) invited keynote talk in Santander, Spain | State-of-the-art in Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind and Solar Power Generation |
20-06-2016 | Juan Miguel Morales González | PSCC conference in Genoa, Italy | Mechanisms to Increase the Efficiency of Two-stage Electricity Markets with Uncertain Supply |
19-06-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Boston Climate Bridge - Women Leading Change - Visit in Copenhagen | |
07-06-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Greater Copenhagen Smart Solutions - Living Labs for Liveable Cities - Halvandet, Copenhagen | |
02-06-2016 | John Bagterp Jørgensen | Energy Lab Nordhavn Workshop on Model Predictive Control | |
30-05-2016 | Henrik Madsen | 2nd International Conference of Skoltech Center for Energy - Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Moscow | Flexibility Potentials in Combined Power and Thermal Systems |
24-05-2016 | Mark O'Malley | Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in Cities Third General Consortium Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark | Status of European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme in Energy Systems Integration and International Institute of Energy Systems Integration |
24-05-2016 | Steve Heinen | Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems in Cities Third General Consortium Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark | |
12-05-2016 | Henrik Madsen | CLEAN Annual Meeting - Sønderborg Castle | |
10-05-2016 | Henrik Madsen | EERA JP Energy Systems Integration, UCD, Dublin | |
20-04-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Siemens Research Center, Munich | |
14-04-2016 | Hans Joachim Ferreau | Workshop on MPC | Embedded Model Predictive Control in Industrial Applications |
13-04-2016 | Gianluca Frison | Workshop on MPC | |
07-04-2016 | Juan Migual Morales González | EnergyCon 2016, IEEE International Energy Conference, Leuven, Belgium | A Data-driven Bidding Model for a Cluster of Price-responsive Consumers of Electricity |
29-03-2016 | Audun Botterud | Visit from Argonne National Laboratory | Electricity Markets and Renewable Energy: United States vs. Europe |
18-03-2016 | Henrik Madsen and Peder Bacher | Workshop at BBRI, Bruxelles | |
17-03-2016 | Henrik Madsen | IEA Annex 67 Meeting, SINTEF, Trondheim | Models and methods for facilitating energy flexibility in buildings and districts |
17-03-2016 | Steve Heinen | Energy Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand | |
14-03-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Visitors from NTU Singapore -, DTU | |
26-02-2016 | Henrik Madsen and Rasmus Halvgaard | Workshop on Energy Flexibility at iEnergy | Wastewater Treatment and Energy Flexibility, CITIES and Kolding WWTP |
25-02-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Smart City Accelerator Meeting, Hotel Hilton, Copenhagen | CITIES solutions for smart cities - some exampels - INTERREG V - Smart City Accelerator |
28-01-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Alan Turing Workshop, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh | Probabilistic forecasting and its importance for energy systems |
22-01-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Meeting with EU Commission and DG Energy in Bruxelles | |
18-01-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Grøn Energi / Danish District Heating Org. - Workshop on use of data in DH systems, Kolding | Styring af fremløbstemperatur under brug af prognoser og data |
13-01-2016 | Henrik Madsen | Visit by Nanyang Technical University, Singapore | |
17-12-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Sustain DTU Annual Conference at DTU | |
07-12-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Smart City Exchange; TUB-DTU-NTNU Strategic Meeting at TU-Berlin, Germany | |
02-12-2015 | Henrik Madsen | VESTAS - DTU Strategic Meeting at VESTAS, Aarhus | Integration of Renewable Energy Theoretical and Practical Aspects |
23-11-2015 | Henrik Madsen | 2015 Energy Institute / ERC Annual Symposium at UCD - Energy Institute, Dublin | Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind and Solar Power Generation |
11-11-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Presentation of DTU Annual Energy Report 2015 at DTU Oticon | Integrated Energy Systems Aggregation, Forecasting and Control |
09-11-2015 | Henrik Madsen | iEnergy / DEHA Meeting on Risø | |
06-11-2015 | Henrik Madsen | TotalFlex - CITIES Workshop at NOVI - Aalborg | |
01/02-11-2015 | Henrik Madsen | NTNU - DTU Smart Cities Dialog and Rectors Meeting at DTU | |
28-10-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Smart Nation Initiative, Singapore | |
27-10-2015 | Henrik Madsen | iiESI Workshop, KIER, Daejeon, South Korea | The role of ICT based methods in enabling thermal energy systems flexibility in Denmark |
20-10-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Invited talk; Toyota Research and Development, Nagoya, Japan | Integration of Renewable Energy; Theoretical and Practical Aspects |
20-10-2015 | Alfred Heller | Smart Cities Live konference in Stockholm | |
01-10-2015 | Henrik Madsen | IEA EBC Annex 67 Meeting, FCT-UNL, Portugal | Aggregators, Modelling, Forecasting and Control for Flexible Buildings and Districts |
29-09-2015 | Henrik Madsen | 2nd Net Zero Energy Buildings Conference (Invited), Lisbon | |
28-09-2015 | Henrik Madsen | University of Sydney,, DTU Elektro | |
24-09-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Mathematical Sciences Collaboration in Energy Systems Integration, Durham-UCD-DTU | Grey-Box Modeling; An approach to combined physical and statistical model building |
11-09-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Visit by Minister Alex White TD, Ireland | |
27-08-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Siemens CKI Workshop, DTU | |
20-08-2015 | Henrik Madsen | A delegation from the Embassy of Ireland with lead by the Ambassador Cliona Manahan has visited CITIES | |
18-08-2015 | Jon Anders Reichert Liisberg | CITIES Kamstrup Meeting | Hidden Markov models for indirect classification of occupancy behaviour |
07-08-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Kamstrup-AVA-CITIES meeting | |
28-07-2015 | Henrik Madsen | PES General Meeting, Session on Energy Systems Integration, Denver, Colorado | |
27-07-2015 | Henrik Madsen | PES General Meeting, Session on Virtual Storage, Denver, Colorado | Co-Optimization of Heat and Electricity in the Danish Energy System |
17-07-2015 | Juan Miguel Morales González | ISMP 2015 | A Data-driven Bidding Model for a Cluster of Price-responsive Consumers of Electricity |
09-07-2015 | Henrik Madsen | DTU GDSI (Global Decision Support Initiative) | |
17-06-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Lithuanian Energy Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania | |
22-05-2015 | Alfred Heller | CLEAN Årsmøde 2015 | |
14-04-2015 | IEA EBC Annex 58 Expert Meeting, CTU, Prague | Guideline for data analysis from dynamical experimental campaigns. Statistical Methods | |
26-03-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Department for Mathematical Statistics, Iowa State University | Methods for Probabilistic Forecasting of Wind and Solar Power Generation (Invited Talk) |
25-03-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Iowa State University, Department for Industrial Design | |
19-03-2015 | Henrik Madsen | IDA-IT og Energi, Mere data - bedre energisystem? | Anvendelse af forbrugsdata i et smart energisystem, København og Aarhus |
10-03-2015 | Alfred Heller | Arup University | |
04-03-2015 | Alfred Heller | Energiforum Denmark | |
16-02-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Department of Mathematics | |
11-02-2015 | Henrik Madsen | EuroTech PhD School, EPFL, Lausanne | |
09-02-2015 | Henrik Madsen | EuroTech PhD School, EPFL, Lausanne | |
06-01-2015 | Henrik Madsen | Perspektiver for anvendelse af data i fjernvarmesystemer | |
17-12-2014 | Henrik Madsen | Siemens Workshop, Technical University of Denmark | Forecasting, Aggregation and Control for Future Electric Energy Systems |
03-12-2014 | Henrik Madsen | EERA JP Smart Cities, Espoo, Finland | |
01-12-2014 | Henrik Madsen | Smart Cities Workshop, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. | |
27-11-2014 | Henrik Madsen and Alfred Heller | Bid Data som værktøj til at styre byens energi - IDA IT | |
26-11-2014 | Henrik Madsen | IDA IT - Big Data and Energy Systems | |
25-11-2014 | Niamh O'Connell | InnovationsFonden, Annual Meeting, Copenhagen | |
12-11-2014 | Henrik Madsen | Forecasting, Control and Optimisation for Future Electric Energy Systems | |
04-11-2014 | Henrik Madsen | NERA, TU-Delft and TU-Eindhoven research coordination meeting | |
08-10-2014 | Alfred Heller | Water DTU Workshop, DTU, Denmark - How can Cities work with the Energy-Water Nexus? | |
08-10-2014 | Henrik Madsen | ERC/UCD Symposium, Dublin, Irland | |
06-10-2014 | Henrik Madsen | Foreign Ministry of Denmark | |
01-10-2014 | Henrik Madsen | Danish presentation at a meeting at the District Heating Association (Dansk Fjernvarme/Grøn Energi) | |
25-09-2014 | Juan M. M. González | Workshop on Mathematical Models and Methods for Energy Optimization, Budapest, Hungary | Forecast errors on Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning |
19-09-2014 | Juan M. M. González | Siemens event at DTU, Denmark | |
Sept. 2014 | Henrik Madsen | IEA EBC Annex 58 meeting at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab, USA | |
23-08-2014 | Alfred Heller | Third Workshop on Design in Civil and Environmental Engineering 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark - title 'Change in design targets for building energy towards smart cities' | |
23/24-06-2014 | Henrik Madsen | JRC‐IET Ispra | |
06-2014 | Henrik Madsen | COST Wire and CITIES workshop in Roskilde, Denmark | Intelligent Energy Systems in CITIES and Solar Power Forecasting |
14-05-2014 | Carsten Rode | Information Technology for Intelligent Energy Systems | |
12/14-05-2014 | Henrik Madsen | Energy, Cities, and the Control of Complex Systems, Erice, Sicily, Italy | |
05-2014 | Herik Madsen | Urban Workshop, Athens | |
28-04-2014 | Henrik Madsen | General Assembly by the Vidensby Lyngby | |
28-04-2014 | Alfred Heller | General Assembly by the Vidensby Lyngby | 'Hvordan kan Vidensby Lyngby blivet inspireret af andre Smart Cites projekter?': Præsentation (in Danish) |