Read more about the article Classical mathematics (still) solves the challenges of the green transition at the grid
Fig. 1. Sketch of the water supply network used as model of local energy consumers. is the flow of water into pressure zone 1, with pressure .

Classical mathematics (still) solves the challenges of the green transition at the grid

Everyone talks about AI and machine learning, but a demo project with a water tower shows that a model with stochastic differential equations can describe energy flexibility surprisingly well with…

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Read more about the article CITIES-forskere foreslår CO2-afgifter og CO2-fond for industrien
Foto: Hanne Kokkegård, DTU Compute

CITIES-forskere foreslår CO2-afgifter og CO2-fond for industrien

Forslaget bygger bro mellem Klimarådets forslag om og Dansk Industris afvisning af en indførelse af klimaafgifter for industrien. --- Debatten om CO2-afgifter for industrien er for alvor kommet på bordet,…

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Read more about the article Digitalisering skaber store gevinster i Svebølle-Viskinge Fjernvarmeselskab
Svend Müller, bestyrelsesformand i Svebølle-Viskinge Fjernvarmeselskab (tv) og Mikkel Westenholz, CEO i ENFOR. Foto: Hanne Kokkegård

Digitalisering skaber store gevinster i Svebølle-Viskinge Fjernvarmeselskab

Sænkning af fremløbstemperaturen med 10 grader, markant reducering af varmetab samt fastholdelse af varmeprisen. Brugen af nye datakilder viser, at selv mindre fjernvarmeselskaber kan have stor gavn af digitalisering, viser erfaringerne…

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District heating tests climate-friendly air conditioning based on cooled hot water

New CITIES demonstration project explores how much energy it saves by connecting an absorption chiller to district heating as a green alternative to traditional air conditioning, e.g. in server rooms.…

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Join summer school: Time Series Analysis – with a focus on modelling and forecasting in energy systems, August 2020

Venue: DTU and online, Copenhagen, Denmark Date: August 24-28, 2020 (registration before July 15. - Learn more in the link below) Due to the COVID-19 situation: It will be possible,…

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Middelfart Fjernvarme as a testing place for CITIES’ demo project for district heating bidding optimization

One of CITIES’ demo projects is to develop an optimization method for the combined heat and power production planning in district heating systems and apply it to a real-world demo-case.…

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PhD: Characterisation and Integration of Energy Flexibility through Stochastic Modelling and Control

Congratulations to Rune Grønborg Junker. On Thursday 6, February 2020 he has defended his PhD. A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department. Popular science…

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