As the tenth PhD student under CITIES Ignacio Blanco has successfully defended his thesis

Ignacio Blanco has successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Decision-making Under Uncertainty for the Operation of Integrated Energy Systems” at DTU Compute. The thesis was part of WP7 – Decision-making…

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Interview with Henrik Madsen about retrofitting and fitting infrastructure in The Economist

“How cities actually decide what to retrofit as opposed to what to build or rebuild is a complicated question”, says Henrik Madsen, professor in the department of applied mathematics and…

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Read more about the article Demoprojekt fra CITIES nævnt på
Electricity prices and wind power production have a large impact on the production of district heating in Denmark. Researchers at DTU have made a smart-decision making tool; helping district-heating suppliers to choose the right kind of heat production technology at the right time and buy or sell electricity at the right prices. Illustration: DTU Compute

Demoprojekt fra CITIES nævnt på

Demonstrationsprojektet 'Operational planning and bidding for district heating systems' blev i går beskrevet i en artikel på Demonstrationsprojektet i Hvide Sande har til formål at øge lagringsevnen og fleksibiliteten…

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FORESIGT article on CITIES’ promising results for demand response and flexibility based on data-intelligence

Today, 29th October 2018, FORESIGT published an online article featuring among others Henrik Madsen talking about CITIES' promising results for demand response and flexibility based on data-intelligence. The article can…

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