Inno-SE, CITIES and 4DH workshop – Grøn Energi (Dansk Fjernvarme), January 18th 2016

Inno-SE, CITIES and 4DH had a workshop in danish on "Brug af meteorologiske forudsigelser og data ved optimal drift og produktionsplanlægning på fjernvarmeværker" at Fjernvarmens Hus, Merkurvej 7, Kolding Please…

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Workshop: Modeling and Optimization of Heat and Power Systems – DTU, January 12th 2015

On January 12th 2015 we had a workshop at DTU. See the preliminary program for details.   The workshop is part of the "Clean Inno-SE innovationscluster".   Model Predictive Control for Energy…

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Modelling energy supply and demand in the CITIES project –, November 25th 2015

You are kindly invited to the "Modelling energy supply and demand in the CITIES project" workshop November 25th 2015 at, Tonne Kjærsvej 65, 7000 Fredericia. Main topic of the…

Continue ReadingModelling energy supply and demand in the CITIES project –, November 25th 2015