CITIES/FutureGas Joint Seminar: Modeling and Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems – DTU Elektro, December 15th 2017

CITIES and FutureGas will host a "Modeling and Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems" workshop at DTU Elektro on December 15th 2017. For further information, see the agenda.

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Presentation by Henrik Madsen – Argonne National Laboratory, December 7th 2017

Henrik Madsen gave a presentation on "Methodologies for Controlling the Electricity Load in Future Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems" at Argonne National Laboratory on December 7th. For more information see…

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“Vidensbynetværk for Klima og Grøn Teknologi”-meeting – Lyngby, November 14th 2017

On November 14th, Foreningen Lyngby-Taarbæk Vidensby had a meeting at Lyngby-Taarbæk Forsyning where Henrik Madsen gave a presentation. For more information, see the meeting invite and preliminary agenda (in Danish).

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Henrik Madsen provides Masterclass talk at Bridge2017 at Dansk Industri – Copenhagen, August 22nd-23rd 2017

Henrik Madsen is invited to give a Masterclass presentation at Bridge2017. For more information please see the The Bridge summit 2017 site and the agenda.

Continue ReadingHenrik Madsen provides Masterclass talk at Bridge2017 at Dansk Industri – Copenhagen, August 22nd-23rd 2017