The invitation to the Smart CITIES Workshop in Sonderborg (Sønderborg), March 12th 2015 is now available.
The Abstract and Agenda and the list of participants are also available.
Alison, Sønderborg
Thursday, March 12th 2015
The city of Sønderborg and the activities of Project Zero are mentioned in many contexts as a good case to study in relation to the implementation of Smart Cities activities. The city represents a good source of data that can be used for benchmarking purposes in the CITIES project, and Sønderborg is a good case to use for test of the different tools that are used and developed in the CITIES project. The case “Sønderborg” and the activities of CITIES also have relevance for the industrial partners in CITIES, as well as for stakeholders, engineers and planners who are not CITIES partners. The plan for the day is to give an overview of CITIES and ProjectZero activities, and to establish tangible contacts between the city case and the strategic research project. Furthermore: To establish specific examples of CITIES demonstration projects.
Program as realized, with brief notes
Welcome (Peter Rathje, Henrik Madsen, Carsten Rode)
Presentation of Project Zero and Sønderborg (Peter Rathje)
Overview of CITIES and the Work Packages (Henrik Madsen)
Briefing about strategic energy plan developed in cooperation with city of Sønderborg, Project Zero, energy consumers and suppliers (Daniel Møller Sneum, PlanEnergi)
Presentation of Sønderborg cases (15 minutes each)
- Supermarked Høruphav (cooling equipment and surplus heat). Torben Green, Danfoss
- Greenwater (sea water and heat pumps), Michael Sørensen (and Henrik Andersen)
- Energimembran (soil load/water basin as energy reservoir), Jan Olsen, EM Development.
- Augustenborg Fjernvarme (w. “Hvordan agerer Augustenborg Fjernvarme på de fremtidige energimarkeder”), Mogens Elmvang.
First discussion: Possible symbioses: CITIES/Sønderborg/other stakeholders
Each partner (and a few other guests): Their expected cooperation with the CITIES project (possibly with a relation to the Sønderborg case)
Continuation of “Each partner presents their cooperation with CITIES …”
15:00-15:15CITIES Data management and repository – with a view to the Sønderborg case (Alfred Heller) -
CITIES Work packages, brief inputs from WP-leaders: presentation and discussion of demonstration ‘projects’, combining at least two WPs and the Sønderborg case
Discussion of cooperation and follow-up. Conclusion