DEMAND RESPONSE in the electricity market? 12 papers in open-access journal

If you are working with the green transition in the grid you should perhaps take a look at the open-access journal Energies by MDPI. In this Special Issue “Demand Response in Electricity Markets” you will find 12 peer-reviewed papers about the theme.

Professor Prof. Dr Henrik Madsen from (DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark) and Dr Seyyed Ali Pourmousavi Kani (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia) are guest editors at the journal.

How to predict the demand?

The future power system will host a significant amount of renewable generation inevitably. These energy resources are naturally undispatchable and unpredictable and do not necessarily follow the load demand. Therefore, safe and secure operation of the future power system will require extra flexibility in real-time operation to compensate for the varying generation. This will not be possible by large synchronous rotating machines, as they are slow, less economically efficient and polluting.

In this regard, Demand Response Programs (DRP) are attracting a lot of attention. Preliminary studies on Demand Response (DR) resources in integrated energy systems have already projected incredible potential to act as flexibility resources for power systems operations.

Nevertheless, there are still many questions and concerns related to DR resources involved in the electricity and energy markets, which have to be properly addressed.

This Special Issue publishes peer-reviewed papers from researchers from different discipline who offer solutions and algorithms to effectively incorporate DR resources in electricity and energy markets. These include the conventional day-ahead and real-time wholesale markets as well as P2P electricity trading considering stochasticity, unpredictability, and nonlinearity of the phenomenon. In this framework, physical and virtual energy storages and electric vehicles are also considered as DR resources. In our special issue, we have a special focus on how to model, forecast and control flexible resources in intelligent and integrated energy systems.

Keywords as:

  • demand response aggregation
  • electric vehicle
  • energy storages
  • market bidding mechanism
  • demand response in P2P trading
  • ancillary services
  • forecasting and control of flexibility
  • stochastic demand response
  • market operation with demand response
  • dynamic flexibility modelling and control
  • integrated energy systems
  • ICT solutions for demand response

We hope you will be inspired and learn new in the open-access journal Special Issue “Demand Response in Electricity Markets”. You are more than welcome to share with colleagues and your network.